Gaming News: Fans Weigh In on the Best Game of the 2000s

As I reminisce about my gaming journey through the 2000s, it feels like stepping back into my teenage years, when games were more than just pixels and code—they were escapes from reality, friends to share laughter with, and stories that shaped our minds. TolisKoutro’s post on Reddit has taken me down memory lane, and I can’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia as I see the iconic titles listed there: ‘San Andreas’, ‘Need for Speed: Most Wanted’, ‘World of Warcraft’, and ‘Half-Life 2’.

Discussion about classic video games from the 2000s is thriving on Reddit, as users delve into reminiscing the best games of that decade. Started by user TolisKoutro, the debate centers around which game deserves to be crowned the best, with iconic titles such as ‘San Andreas’ and ‘Need for Speed: Most Wanted’ being mentioned. Fellow users share their passionate opinions, making this a nostalgic journey that not only celebrates the games themselves but also the cultural influence they had on players during their younger years. The diverse responses in this thread create an intriguing mix of nostalgia and fond memories related to gameplay, offering a reflective experience about the gaming industry’s offerings in the early 21st century.

What’s the best game of the 2000s in your opinion?
byu/TolisKoutro ingaming


  • Redditors shared nostalgic reflections on games from the 2000s, indicating a sense of fondness for their picks.
  • Popular choices included ‘San Andreas’, ‘World of Warcraft’, and ‘Half-Life 2’, emphasizing both personal and cultural significance.
  • Discussions revealed a mixture of positive memories, competitive gameplay, and story appreciation.
  • Many users expressed a desire for modern game developers to take inspiration from these classics.

The Golden Games of the Era

For TolisKoutro, ‘San Andreas’ was an exceptional game that brought countless hours of shared fun with friends. The affection for this title is evident in the comments, where users share their own cherished memories playing Rockstar’s legendary game. One user mentioned that the expansive open-world gameplay offered a canvas for creativity and diverse gameplay, which few current games have successfully emulated. This sentiment seems to be widely shared in the discussion: many believe that this classic game laid the groundwork for our understanding and engagement with video games today. Essentially, ‘San Andreas’ was a coming-of-age experience for numerous gamers, opening their eyes to the limitless possibilities of open-world gaming.

From MMOs to FPS

The thread also saw a shout-out for ‘World of Warcraft’, a title that transformed the MMORPG genre. One respondent remarked that Blizzard “blew all other MMOs away,” establishing a lasting framework for what players should expect from online gaming experiences. The communal aspect and the cooperative gameplay of ‘WoW’ brought players together in a time when online gaming was still budding. It’s fascinating to witness how ‘WoW’ has retained its relevance over the years, with expansions continuing to evolve the gameplay and storylines originally laid out in the 2004 release. This reflects how many fans still reminisce about their guild memories or epic raid accomplishments, highlighting the social fabric that games of this caliber intertwine with our lives.

Iconic Single-Player Adventures

In the realm of gaming, Half-Life 2 garnered widespread acclaim due to its captivating narrative complexity and innovative gameplay. Players admired it so much that they expressed a strong desire for Valve to create another single-player game set in the Half-Life universe, showcasing that the charm of games from the 2000s remains vivid in gaming enthusiasts’ memories. The seamless fusion of an engaging storyline and immersive action mechanics cemented its place in video game lore. Amidst the plethora of new games appearing nowadays, it’s simple to overlook how impactful single-player experiences can be. It seems that gamers yearn for more titles that offer a blend of strategic thinking, engaging gameplay, and storytelling prowess.

Legacy and Inspiration

Over the course of our discussion, several participants favored titles that made a significant mark on the gaming industry. One such title, ‘Metal Gear Solid 3’, was praised not only for its gameplay but also for its captivating storyline and cinematic approach—an aspect that has significantly grown in today’s games. It’s evident that many gamers hold these titles in high regard due to the legacy they’ve established, and they hope that future developments are inspired by them. Frequently, players asked contemporary developers to learn from these classics, highlighting the value of immersive storytelling and innovative gameplay mechanics that once set gaming apart.

The ongoing discussion on Reddit about the top game of the 2000s, such as ‘San Andreas’ and ‘World of Warcraft’, still echoes strongly. It’s evident that these games aren’t merely pastimes; they are significant cultural relics influencing our interactions with entertainment and fellow gamers. As the gaming world progresses, this heartfelt debate underscores the profound influence these titles had on both players and the overall gaming community.

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2024-08-19 06:43