Gaming News: Indie Developer Asks If Their Game’s Infection Graphics Are Effective

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I find myself constantly amazed by the vibrant and engaging discussions that unfold within our gaming communities. The latest r/IndieDev thread, sparked by KenjiNoboru’s intriguing question about the infection graphics in their game, has been no exception.

As a dedicated gaming enthusiast, I recently found myself deeply engaged in a thought-provoking discussion initiated by indie developer KenjiNoboru on r/IndieDev. The question at hand was intriguing: “Does this graphic depiction of infection in our game make you exclaim ‘eww, what is this?!’ or do we need to ramp it up with even more disturbing elements?”

Does this enough to make you say “eww, what is this?!” or we need to add even more infection?
byu/KenjiNoboru inIndieDev


  • Players had mixed feelings about the infection graphics, with some calling for more intensity.
  • The cleanliness of certain elements, like the train, raised eyebrows among commenters.
  • Suggestions included altering the color palette and adding dynamic features like spores.
  • The dialogue charmed with funny and creative spins on how to visualize infection.

Graphic Effectiveness

In the discussion, it was brought up that some felt the game’s graphics didn’t quite capture the theme of contamination effectively. A user named Wappening put it plainly, “Add more, it just looks like standard spooky dimensional nonsense.” This sentiment suggests that the visual aspects should be unique and strongly convey the idea of infection, as players seemed to find the current design too ordinary and lacking in impact. Similar sentiments were shared by others, such as Legate_Aurora who said, “The things in the back look more like rocks than living matter.” This call for a clearer visual portrayal emphasizes the delicate balance indie developers must maintain to elicit the desired emotional responses through their artistic creations.

Cleanliness is Next to Uncreepiness

The thread also included critical observations about the cleanliness of certain game assets, particularly a train. Khswart posed a simple but pointed question: \”Why is the train completely clean?\” This reflective comment calms much of the chatter regarding the graphics, drawing attention to a significant design discrepancy that could render the infection theme less believable. In horror and survival games, every component contributes to the atmosphere, and a tidy train might throw off players’ immersion. Another user, GreenDissonance, added that if the environment is presenting an infection narrative, the surrounding assets should reflect that decay, suggesting the addition of elements like \”glowing noxious green\” to create an unsettling visual.

Suggestions for Improvement

During the lively conversation, innovative thoughts surfaced as participants proposed imaginative ways to improve the game’s narrative presentation. One participant, Zynu, suggested incorporating gooey, glowing green particles that would emit from specific objects, which could bring life and consistency to the game’s theme. Another user took it a step further by proposing a visual plot twist, suggesting that if a character dies due to infection, the camera should zoom out, showing the dead character hanging from a piece of wood – an indication of the players’ active involvement in the creative process. Despite being somewhat extreme, this idea showcases the community’s enthusiasm for contributing to the developers’ vision, implying a passionate and dedicated fanbase eager for visual enhancements.

Overall Sentiment and Community Dynamics

Although some jokes were thrown in, the general tone of the conversation seems more positive than negative, suggesting that people are generally supportive rather than dismissive. The community’s eagerness to share their feedback indicates a protective attitude towards the game, demonstrating a wish for it to succeed. As JustAPotatoThatsIt put it, “It might just be me, but I didn’t really notice it for a while,” which underscores the importance of first impressions in gaming. The community is vocal about their expectations, yet there’s a sense of unity as they collaborate to help independent developers perfect their vision. The conversation blends humor with constructive criticism, offering numerous suggestions on aspects like art design and game mechanics.

As an avid gamer, I’ve noticed that the growing appreciation for indie games has sparked some fascinating conversations within our gaming community. Recently, a developer posed a question about whether their infection graphics were compelling enough. This conversation didn’t just revolve around aesthetic opinions, but it also revealed the players’ creativity and hunger for thoughtfully designed content.

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2024-08-18 15:28