Why League of Legends Players Are Frustrated with Three Ranked Splits Per Year

As a long-time player of this enchanting game known as League of Legends, I find myself utterly dismayed by the current ranked system. The introduction of three splits each year has turned the thrilling climb to victory into an exhausting grind that leaves me yearning for the simpler times.

Discussion about League of Legends’ ranking system has heated up among gamers lately, following a Reddit post by user Prometheusf3ar. The post argues that introducing three ranked seasons annually has affected both the fun and fairness of the game. Many players are unhappy with the steep climb needed to keep their rank, and have noted a drop in initial split quality. Most seem to agree that the current system is more draining than exciting, making them long for the older setup where the challenge of climbing ranks felt more fulfilling than it does today.

Three ranked splits is way too many and has really lowered my enjoyment of the ladder.
byu/Prometheusf3ar inleagueoflegends


  • Players are overwhelmed by the extensive grind needed to maintain their ranks due to frequent resets.
  • The quality of games at the start of each split noticeably declines, especially affecting team-reliant roles.
  • Many gamers feel less motivated and engaged because grinding League has become a time-consuming chore.
  • Feedback suggests that Riot’s intent to encourage more gameplay through more splits isn’t translating to player satisfaction.

The Burden of Maintaining Ranks

The heart of the matter lies in how difficult it has become for players to maintain their ranks amidst constant resets. Prometheusf3ar highlights their struggle, having played around 240 games with a 51% win rate and still falling below their rank from the previous split. This resonates with many players who lament the time investment required to reclaim their old standings. One commenter, bodynasr, notes, “personally that hasn’t been the case for me… I didn’t feel like playing ranked anymore.” It’s clear that the more frequent ranked resets have placed a significant burden on players’ mental stamina.

Game Quality Takes a Hit

Users frequently express concern over a drop in game quality during new ranked splits. This is due to the fact that not all players have had an opportunity to calibrate their skills at the start of each split, resulting in unbalanced team dynamics. For instance, user ehohhohoho expressed this frustration by stating, “Early and late seasons have always been the worst games… Now there’s three of each every year.” This inconsistent matchmaking can transform the engaging competitive aspect of a ranked game into a frustrating one filled with mismatches and domineering victories. DrunkLifeguard succinctly highlights the difficulty of facing unpredictable skill disparities, commenting, “Playing 25 to 50 games with vast skill differences every split just to get back to decent games is quite dull.”

The Time Sink Dilemma

For numerous gamers today, the relentless struggle (grind) doesn’t fit well into their hectic schedules. Engaging in competition to advance positions necessitates time and commitment—resources that are scarce for many people. Consequently, gamers are choosing to avoid ranked matches entirely, finding the prospect of investing countless hours in a climb for meager rewards more burdensome than enjoyable. Redditor Thehealeroftri remarks, “I understand the goal was to have more splits so people would play more to maintain their rank, but honestly I’m playing less than ever before because it feels like a task.” Instead, gamers are expressing a preference for a less complex system that permits them to appreciate the game without the exhausting struggle.

Riot’s Intent vs. Player Experience

During all the annoyance, an intriguing theory surfaces about why Riot implemented the three-split system. Many analysts suggest that the creators might think players would play more if they feel the need to preserve their rank. Fun-Consequence4950 argues sharply that this action is merely a short-term solution for larger problems, stating, “It’s a sign of a bigger problem…” There’s an increasing feeling that instead of tackling issues like smurfing and account selling head-on, Riot prefers a system that lengthens playtime without actually solving these problems. Players desire gameplay strategies that keep things exciting while preserving the essentials of fair competition.

As a dedicated fan, I’ve found myself feeling weary about the current ranked system in League of Legends, a game with such a rich history. The thrill of competition has been overshadowed by the relentless grind, and conversations on forums like Reddit echo this sentiment. It seems that the excitement of challenges once offered has given way to stress, making the journey feel more like an endless task rather than a fun pursuit.

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2024-08-17 15:43