Exploring the Crossbow Concept in Destiny 2: A Reddit Discussion

As someone who has spent countless hours traversing the cosmos and decimating hordes of alien enemies in Destiny 2, I can’t help but be drawn to the allure of crossbows as a potential new weapon type. The concept of high-precision, single-shot gameplay piques my interest, as it introduces an exciting challenge that could breathe fresh life into the gameplay experience.

1. In the vibrant community of Destiny 2, there’s always buzz about innovative weapon concepts, and crossbows have recently become a hot topic. A post by user Shambony on the Destiny 2 subreddit ignited curiosity by asking players what types of weapons they desire in the game, with a particular focus on crossbows. This conversation sparked has been insightful and interactive, delving into the possible mechanisms, balancing issues, and creative thoughts about incorporating crossbows as a weapon choice. Players have shared their opinions, ranging from enthusiasm over potential gameplay modifications to reservations about the practicality of integrating such weapons into an existing collection that’s already rich in variety.

Crossbows in D2
byu/Shambony indestiny2


  • Crossbows could provide high-precision, single-shot gameplay, introducing new challenges for players.
  • Concerns arise regarding balance, particularly in PvP environments.
  • Players are enthusiastic about themed exotic ideas, but some doubt the practicality of adding new weapon types.
  • Comparisons are drawn between existing weapons and how crossbows could fit into the current game dynamics.

Community Enthusiasm for Crossbows

As a dedicated Destiny 2 fan, I can feel the electrifying anticipation among us players about the potential introduction of crossbows. A fellow community member, Zombificus, expressed his enthusiasm by saying, “I’m really digging the overall concept. Projectile-based Special weapons with high precision damage…” This shared sentiment echoes a craving for diverse, tactical gameplay possibilities that could be realized through crossbows. The community envisions crossbows functioning in a manner similar to bows, offering substantial damage but at the expense of slower firing speeds. Many of us are eagerly imagining an enticing niche for crossbows, much like how rocket sidearms expand the versatility of sidearms.

Balancing the Weapon in PvP

Although many players appreciate the concept of crossbows, there’s a big worry about how they would affect the fairness in player versus player (PvP) battles. For instance, Simple_Inspection220 suggested creating a fusion rifle with crossbow features, but others warned this could throw off the current game balance. They expressed that such changes might not be welcomed in PvP, as they could disrupt the existing gameplay equilibrium. Players understand that introducing weapons capable of swiftly taking down enemies can lead to unfair competition in PvP modes, so maintaining a good balance is crucial for developers like Bungie to ensure the game remains fair and enjoyable for everyone.

Creative Exotic Ideas for Crossbows

The creativity of the Destiny 2 community shines through in Shambony’s post, where a myriad of inventive exotic crossbow designs were presented. One standout idea was the “crossbow of sorrow” — an exotic that deploys poisonous traps, delivering a delayed explosion upon impact. Users have expressed how the innovative mechanics, like having bolts that emit a beeping notification before exploding, not only add to the tactical gameplay but also create a new layer of strategy for encounters. As Shambony queried, this idea raises the balancing question of whether these unique mechanics could lead to overpowered weapons or deter players with unfair gameplay.

Challenges in Implementing New Weapon Types

Amidst the excitement, there’s been debate about whether it would be feasible to introduce a completely new weapon type, such as crossbows, into Destiny 2. HiTekLoLyfe stated, “…it seems unlikely that we could add an entirely new weapon type at this point in the game.” This perspective reflects a common worry among players — that introducing something entirely new might disrupt the existing game system and balance, given the extensive variety of weapons already available. For Bungie, the challenge lies in finding a way to incorporate new elements seamlessly into the existing gameplay and narrative without causing disruption. With more weapon types than players can easily count, Bungie must tread carefully as they plan for additions that fit within the established gameplay and storyline.

Connecting the Dots

In the ongoing dialogue about crossbows in Destiny 2, gamers are delving deeper than just weapon mechanics; they’re exploring how these tools fit within the broader gameplay landscape. The buzz surrounding new possibilities demonstrates a genuine enthusiasm for the game and the level of involvement players have with the Destiny universe. Topics range from analyzing exact damage dynamics to debating balance concerns, and even brainstorming innovative exotic weapon concepts that could reshape established strategies. With Bungie yet to reveal more updates, the community stays engaged by cultivating a creative and communicative environment, underscoring their role in determining Destiny 2’s future direction.

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2024-08-17 11:28