Is Now a Good Time to Get Back Into Enshrouded? Players Weigh In

As someone who has spent countless hours exploring virtual worlds and dabbling in the art of digital survival, I find myself empathizing with ScubaKidney’s conundrum. Having traversed the vast expanse of games both old and new, I can attest that making a decision about returning to Enshrouded is no easy feat.

Ever since its debut, Enshrouded has held gamers spellbound, but lately, there’s been some doubt about whether it’s the perfect time to re-immerse oneself in this ever-changing world. User ScubaKidney’s post brings this dilemma to light, as they express a yearning to revisit the game following their initial enjoyment at launch. However, they find themselves torn between the appeal of new games and the eagerness for the updates that the developers have hinted at. With a friend eager to join in, they ponder if now is the ideal moment or whether they should wait for more content to be rolled out. Many experienced players are grappling with this quandary as they weigh up diving back into this cunning survival game.

Is now a good time to get back into the game or should I wait?
byu/ScubaKidney inEnshrouded


  • Many players suggest waiting until the roadmap’s updates are fulfilled before returning to Enshrouded.
  • Concerns were raised about content limitations in the new biome, indicating players feel there’s insufficient new material.
  • Some players report a fulfilling experience with the existing content despite admitting it feels like an early access game.
  • Returning players have mixed feelings about starting anew versus continuing from where they left off.

The Current State of Enshrouded

ScubaKidney’s post ignited a lively debate among players with differing views about revisiting Enshrouded. A recurring sentiment was expressed by many players who suggested adopting a careful stance—they advised that it might be best to hold off for the time being. User Aeroporc74 specifically stated, “To me, you should wait! The new biome isn’t large, and there’s not much fresh content yet! It will arrive eventually with a smile :D” This suggests a general agreement that while updates are imminent, the current offering might seem somewhat sparse for players seeking an immediate, novel experience.

It’s suggested that waiting until December could be beneficial since it seems like the development team will have accomplished most of their planned tasks by then, leaving some exciting updates still to be added to the game: “December might be ideal since a lot of the year’s roadmap should already be completed, with more intriguing additions yet to come.” This viewpoint reflects both anticipation for the upcoming changes and a shared interest in not wanting to miss out on the game’s full potential.

Returning Players’ Experiences

As a gamer diving back into this title for my second round, I’ve found myself feeling a tad burnt out. It’s not that there isn’t plenty to do, it’s just that after picking it up again without finishing everything, I find myself yearning for a break. This experience makes me believe that while the game keeps me occupied initially, its appeal might wane over time. I eagerly anticipate future updates, hoping they’ll rekindle my enthusiasm for this game once more.

102385 from Urban area commented on their experience, stating that the game seemed larger than they initially thought it would be. They mentioned, “I decided to explore thoroughly by completing all the additional missions before tackling the main quests. I found it engaging and enjoyable. However, it does have a sense of incompleteness, like an early access title.” Their appreciation for the game’s core play despite its unpolished aspects highlights some of the difficulties faced by indie games as they transition from early access.

To Start Fresh or Continue?

In the ongoing debate, the question kept arising: should we carry on playing an old game or begin a fresh one? User Foraxen presented a thought-provoking query: “It depends. Are you intending to resume a game you’ve already initiated, or are you starting from scratch?” This question aimed at helping players weigh whether the advancements made in their ongoing game would feel less valuable due to previous alterations. Upon returning after a hiatus, players might yearn for the new aspects added, which could potentially reduce the pleasure derived from previously established characters and tactics.

Instead, timmusjimmus111, who’s now on their third round, thinks it might be wise to wait for the complete release, expressing, “I may suggest waiting until we’ve exhausted all the current content before resuming again once the full game is out.” This suggests a strategy of fully experiencing what’s currently offered, ensuring players don’t miss any elements that make Enshrouded enjoyable while anticipating more enriching experiences in the future.

The Road Ahead for Enshrouded

Discussions surrounding Enshrouded are lively due to the contrast between existing gameplay and forthcoming updates. With players showing a mix of enthusiasm and hesitation about coming back, it underscores the delicate equilibrium between excitement and fulfillment in gaming. Upcoming changes, offering fresh biomes and extra content, may significantly reshape the current environment of the game. As gamers ponder their return, they’ll need to think not only about reconnecting with Enshrouded’s challenges but also whether they prefer to do so with its present imperfections.

In essence, there appears to be a shared eagerness among players as they move through this transitional period. Although patience may be the preferred course for some, those who decide to rejoin find worth in the experiences accumulated so far, and it is these experiences that keep the community vibrant and active. Regardless of whether one chooses to re-enter now or wait for a later time, the expectation of upcoming adventures sustains this dynamic world with energy and life.

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2024-08-17 05:44