Supermarket Together Guide – How to Successfully Run Your Store

As a seasoned veteran of virtual supermarkets and the proud proprietor of my own digital emporium, I can confidently say that Supermarket Together has stolen a piece of my heart. This game is not just about stacking cans of beans and arranging shelves; it’s about strategy, planning, and a dash of humor to keep things interesting.

Title suggests it all: Supermarket Together is a delightful simulation game centered around running a brand-new supermarket. Despite its casual title, the task involves intricate aspects such as stock management, safety measures, and employee administration that require regular attention to ensure consistent earnings. For those new to this game and finding it challenging to manage their store, here are some useful hints and strategies!

5 Tips and Tricks for Supermarket Together

Here are some handy hints I’ve found useful for navigating the supermarket like a pro. If you stick to these tips, shopping will be a breeze!

Franchise Points

Supermarket Together Guide – How to Successfully Run Your Store

The most critical aspect that determines the success of your supermarket is how you use all of your Franchise Points in the Supermarket Together. Franchise Points are like Skill Points for your supermarket that unlock exclusive perks and other amenities for your market. So, instead of using every point at your disposal to buy cheap upgrades, save up your Franchise Points and go for good perks that increase the value of your store. For example, it is always better to unlock the Employee I Perk first instead of going for something like Basic Products II in the tree, as the former allows you to hire an employee who can take care of billing or stocking instead of adding new products to your store using the latter.

Expansion of Store

Supermarket Together Guide – How to Successfully Run Your Store

One frequent blunder I’ve noticed among my companions and fellow players is the hasty growth of their stores. Instead, consider channeling your funds towards acquiring extra fridge racks and replenishing your stock. Enlarge your store with an additional plot of land only when your current store becomes overcrowded and all your products are running low on shelves/fridges.

Protecting your store

Protecting the valuable goods in your store is as essential as deploying a money-making strategy. For this, I recommend using the Broom, which can be used to beat up customers trying to dupe you in the cash section. You can find the Broom near the garage bin outside the store. Also, I suggest setting up lights in your store to avoid any sort of robbery happening during the night time.

Recycling your waste

Supermarket Together Guide – How to Successfully Run Your Store

Rather than tossing your used packaging into the trash can, walk them over the street to the recycling bin instead. This action not only preserves our environment in a digital sense, but it also gives you a bonus of $1.50 for each box that gets recycled.

Supermarket Layout

Supermarket Together Guide – How to Successfully Run Your Store

When organizing your store’s fridges and shelves, strive for an organized design rather than randomly placing items in any empty spot. Feel free to develop your own layout based on your unique ideas and approach, or explore the Steam Community page filled with creative layout suggestions to optimally utilize your retail space.

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2024-08-15 12:50