Apex Legends: Players React to Unplayable Conditions in Season 22

As a long-time Apex Legends player with over 20 seasons under my belt, I must admit that I have seen both the highs and lows of this game. Recently, I find myself in the midst of a storm of technical issues that have made the game ‘unplayable.’ From cursor disappearance to server lag, it feels like the game is against me. It’s as if my character is playing hide-and-seek with my cursor and the enemy team has perfect aim assist!

Over the years, Apex Legends has experienced its highs and lows, but a recent post from user Firm-Constant8560 has resonated deeply with numerous gamers this season. In this post, the user voices intense disappointment, claiming that after 22 seasons, they find the game nearly unplayable due to several technical glitches. The issues at hand include the absence of a cursor for looting, being unable to join ranked matches, and suspicions about third-party cheating software disrupting gameplay. Other players added their own experiences to the conversation, creating a vivid portrait of a disorganized gaming landscape that has left many feeling overwhelmed.

In all of my 22 seasons, this is the first time Apex is actually ‘unplayable’
byu/Firm-Constant8560 inapexlegends


  • Technical difficulties such as cursor disappearance and server lag dominate player complaints.
  • Certain users report positive experiences, creating a divided sentiment within the community.
  • The lack of standard modes has made it hard for casual players to enjoy the game.
  • Issues related to cheating and aim assist remain hot topics among players.

Technical Troubles

As an ardent Apex Legends enthusiast, I’ve encountered a myriad of technical hiccups that have left me scratching my head. These issues, as expressed by countless players, underscore a profound challenge we all face: the game’s instability. One recurring concern from the initial thread was the vanishing cursor, a seemingly minor yet indispensable aspect of gameplay. As Firm-Constant8560 put it eloquently, “No cursor means no looting boxes or inventory management.” This has left us stranded, unable to manage our items efficiently.

Divided Sentiment

Although many players are expressing displeasure with the current state of the game, there remains a group who derive pleasure from it. One such player, ONiMETSU_Z, offered a unique perspective: “I’m sorry to hear you’re having a tough time. On the contrary, I’ve enjoyed myself for the first time since season 9.” This contrast within the community highlights that player experiences aren’t uniformly negative. While some are expressing their frustration through game issues, others appear to be appreciating the new gameplay elements or revitalized competitive scene. This disparity might be due to differences in hardware or regions, resulting in diverse gaming experiences. In other words, while numerous players vent about lag and glitches, a select few have discovered positives within their gaming sprees.

Mismatched Modes

In the initial discussion, it was pointed out that some players found Apex Legends less enjoyable because there wasn’t a conventional Battle Royale mode – a key aspect they enjoyed playing with friends. The fun derived from the game is largely dependent on the modes offered, and when options are scarce, it can significantly diminish the enjoyment level. Players who excelled in duos or cherished their trio experiences seem to be struggling since the focus has shifted towards a new format. Affectionate-Tree146 voiced this concern by saying, “No standard BR and no duos make it not fun to play with my friends.” This suggests that many players value social gameplay and feel overlooked due to the recent changes in game modes. Casual gamers often look for a sense of amusement and camaraderie, which might lead to disillusionment as developers prioritize ranking systems and competitive environments over casual play.

Cheating Concerns

A growing concern about cheating adds to the mounting frustration among players in games like Apex Legends. Many have expressed concerns about inconsistencies in damage output, with Firm-Constant8560 questioning who might be resorting to unethical means. Instances where both they and their opponents dealt more damage than usual have left them puzzled. This uncertainty has led players to question the honesty of their matches, with Gandalf13329 voicing concerns about being barred from ranked play.

By the close of each day, it’s clear that Apex Legends is an evolving game heavily influenced by player interaction and opinions. The diverse experiences exchanged among players truly embody the essence of gaming—it can be both challenging and delightful. Though technical problems and irritation may be prevalent in some conversations, others are finding their rhythm, appreciating this season’s offerings from Apex Legends. The developers have a significant task ahead, and they will tackle it by listening to the community, addressing concerns, improving gameplay, and keeping players hooked. Whether you’re teaming up with friends for combat or stepping away after a difficult match, one truth remains: the gaming community will continue to shape Apex Legends’ future through their feedback and active participation.

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2024-08-13 10:58