Enhancing Gameplay in Apex Legends: Gray Out Opened Assault and Support Bin Icons

As a seasoned Apex Legends player with countless hours under my belt, I can wholeheartedly empathize with the frustration that arises from visual bugs during gameplay. The current issue surrounding opened assault and support bins on the minimap is a prime example of such annoyances.

In Apex Legends, players often enjoy a thrilling battle royale adventure. However, occasionally, they encounter oddities that might disrupt gameplay. A recent Reddit post by user buffaloplease started a conversation about a visual glitch concerning the minimap and opened assault and support bins. At present, these icons remain bright even after being looted, leading to confusion, particularly during the intense early stages of the game. Players anticipate finding loot at these spots, but are often met with dismay instead. The suggested remedy? Making the icons of opened bins gray to clearly show their status, thereby improving gameplay and making it more intuitive in critical situations.

Suggestion: gray out the opened assault and support bin icons
byu/buffaloplease inapexlegends


  • Players express frustration over the visual bug related to loot bin indicators.
  • Several users support the idea of graying out the opened bin icons for clarity.
  • The proposal is seen as a simple yet effective quality-of-life change.
  • Mixed reactions show that gameplay experience varies among players.

A Case of Confusion

The main point of contention arises due to colored opened assault and support bins persisting on player maps, which some believe is intentionally designed for team strategy regarding loot spots for when the bins can be re-rolled. However, it seems more like an unfair twist of luck as suggested by the community. A user named Pigtron-42 added to this confusion stating, “I wasn’t sure if it was a bug or an intended feature. Bins can serve as free recon.” This underlines the predicament players find themselves in: the very visuals meant to guide them are instead causing misunderstandings. With the fast-paced gameplay, relying on these indicators can lead to wasted efforts and disruptions in their combat flow.

A Simple Fix

In a gaming environment where minor tweaks can significantly enhance player satisfaction, buffaloplease’s idea for Respawn Entertainment to make opened loot bins visibly different from unopened ones by using gray icons is a sensible and risk-free suggestion. Many users have voiced their irritation over this visual discrepancy, labeling it as “annoying” and suggesting that it should have been an early fix. For example, user Complex-References stated, “It’s such a small detail, but it’s something I’ve really felt the impact of during this season!” This sentiment is echoed by many dedicated players who recognize the potential benefits of clearer visual cues on their looting tactics.

Community Response: Mixed Opinions

Although the idea received a great deal of approval, it didn’t convince everyone. A blend of amusement and doubt surfaced in the responses, with Sexy_Samurai humorously suggesting that perhaps the players simply need to improve their skills, while others openly questioned the feasibility of the suggestion itself. SpectacularlyAvg joked, “This is a poor idea. OP must be from Respawn /s.” This banter illustrates the range of opinions and playful banter present within the subreddit, striking a balance between constructive feedback and friendly teasing. Another participant, AvoidAtAIICosts, honestly admitted, “I initially thought this was a bug,” reflecting the widespread sentiment among players who navigate numerous updates and modifications in gameplay.

The Impact of Quality of Life Changes

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent immersed in various games across multiple platforms, I can attest that even seemingly minor updates like graying out opened bin icons can have a substantial impact on player experience. Over the years, I’ve witnessed how gaming giants like Respawn Entertainment prioritize player feedback, especially in the fast-paced world of battle royale gaming. The vibrant Apex Legends community is a testament to this, constantly advocating for improvements that range from refining gameplay mechanics to enhancing quality of life adjustments. This particular proposal not only addresses a persistent annoyance but also strengthens the bond between developers and their player base, which I have personally experienced as a crucial factor in fostering innovative ideas. When players feel heard, they’re more likely to stay engaged, leading to increased satisfaction and retention – something that benefits both gamers and developers alike.

Navigating in the Heat of Battle

As a gamer, I can’t help but appreciate any tweaks that make my gaming journey smoother. Clear visual signals significantly influence the choices I make, whether it’s diving into a battle or sneakily snatching some loot. The current design of bins, which look tempting even when empty, often leaves me feeling annoyed and tricked by the very elements I depend on. Players like Equivalent_Smile3164 have suggested a solution that could help, such as a graying out effect based on proximity. In other words, if a bin has been opened within a 75m radius, it should become grayed out. This not only demonstrates an understanding of the game’s mechanics but also encourages strategic play without overcomplicating looting activities.

In discussing the recurring issue of a visual glitch in Apex Legends, it’s evident that the player community not only demonstrates deep affection for the game but also offers insightful suggestions for enhancements. As gamers traverse these battlefield terrains, the proposal to dim or desaturate opened assault and support containers paves the way for a more accessible gaming experience. A minor adjustment could greatly improve gameplay, enabling players to concentrate on essential aspects: staying alive and outperforming their opponents.

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2024-08-12 08:30