Destiny 2: Should Dungeon Exotics Be a Guaranteed Drop on Solo Flawless Completion?

As a seasoned Destiny 2 gamer with over 10 years of gaming under my belt and countless hours spent in the crucible, I can’t help but echo the sentiments expressed by ‘rumblepeg’. I’ve spent more time than I care to admit chasing after that elusive exotic drop, only to be met with the cold, hard hand of RNG.

In Destiny 2, players remain enthralled by its mix of team-oriented gameplay and persistent challenge, but the underlying mechanics sometimes spark controversy. A contentious topic is the RNG system controlling exotic weapon drops in dungeons, which has led to a lively debate on the Destiny 2 subreddit following a post from user ‘rumblepeg’. The discussion revolves around the idea that dungeon exotics should be guaranteed rewards for solo flawless run completions. This suggestion arises from the discontent of players who’ve invested countless hours in mastering these tough tasks without receiving a reward, prompting questions about the fairness of current drop rates and the grinding culture that seems to be encouraged by Bungie.

Dungeon exotics should be a guaranteed drop on solo flawless completion
byu/rumblepeg inDestinyTheGame


  • The original post argues for guaranteed exotic drops for solo flawless runs, highlighting frustrations with RNG.
  • Commenters largely support the idea, citing personal struggles and experiences with lengthy grind sessions.
  • Many players believe that Bungie should reward skill and perseverance over sheer luck.
  • Concerns are raised about the grind-heavy model of Destiny 2 and its impact on player engagement.

The Call for Guaranteed Drops

In the article, rumblepeg talks about the tough path to unearthing their bloodline, pointing out that despite multiple attempts at the Warlord’s Ruin, luck hasn’t been on their side. The struggle of successfully completing a solo perfect run in a dungeon is no joke, and their suggestion for a guaranteed drop resonates with many readers. Many users expressed similar sentiments, revealing how they too have spent countless hours – one user even shared their story of 47 failed attempts at the Ghost of the Deep, while another admitted to investing two months just to get the exotic item to drop. It’s evident that although the excitement of the chase can be thrilling, it becomes disheartening when success doesn’t bring desired results.

Community Reactions

The original post sparked numerous encouraging replies from users. Many expressed approval by saying “I’ll always upvote this” or acknowledging that “this is finally a good Reddit post.” Generally, the feedback was extremely positive. For instance, clouds6294 shared their own success story of chasing a rare exotic for weeks, showing they aren’t the only one facing challenges. Some users, however, raised concerns slightly, stating that most players may not have the mechanical skills to handle tough activities, implying that the proposed change might not solve the problem. AlpineWineMixer even commented, “The majority of D2 players can’t even master basic mechanics.” Despite this disagreement, it appears there is a sense of unity among players, encouraging Duncan exotics to be guaranteed drops.

Encouragement Amidst Struggles

Positivity thrived in the comments section of the post, reflecting a group bonding over mutual setbacks and triumphs. One commentator boosted rumblepeg’s spirits by saying, “It took me 2 months to get it on all three characters, don’t give up just yet!” This encouraging exchange offers solace amid the trials presented by RNG. Moreover, compliments for Bungie’s system scattered across the comments hint at a desire for a more predictable reward mechanism. For example, rccaldwell85 acknowledged the balancing act required by Bungie: “The issue with drop rates is that they intentionally make them scarce to keep players engaged in the game.” This highlights that while players appreciate challenges, they also yearn for a fair payoff for their time commitment.

The Broader Impact of RNG

In this Reddit discussion, the dominant topic is the role of Random Number Generation (RNG) in games like Destiny 2 and its potential effects on player satisfaction and the game’s long-term viability. The excessive emphasis on luck to compensate players for their efforts can lead to dissatisfaction and questions about the sustainability of the game’s design. Users expressed concerns over how this affects player engagement, suggesting that their enjoyment is often diminished by the fear they could be wasting their time. As rccaldwell85 put it, “Regrettably, this game isn’t intended to be a lifelong career.” It appears that many players are in favor of a more equitable balance between effort and reward, which would let them enjoy the game without getting stuck in a tiresome loop of grinding for a chance-based prize system.

In Destiny 2, players frequently find themselves in a complex mix of feelings towards the game’s numerous mechanics. They aim for mastery in gameplay, but the difference between skill and rewards can lead to an emotional journey filled with ups and downs. The discussion about guaranteed drops remains a heated topic among the gaming community. If Bungie decides to reduce the impact of luck (RNG) on players’ experiences by providing guaranteed rewards for remarkable achievements, they might create an atmosphere that fosters both skilled play and contentment—a place where gamers can enjoy their successes more, free from the persistent fear of disappointing loot drops. Isn’t it fair that Destiny 2 should honor its guardians with fitting rewards for their hard-won victories against countless alien dangers?

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2024-08-12 02:15