Smite: Kumbha’s New Buffs Stir the Pot in the Community

As a seasoned Smite player with over seven years under my belt, I can’t help but feel a rollercoaster of emotions regarding the latest changes to Kumbha. On one hand, I understand the need for characters to stay relevant and competitive; after all, it took five years for Kumbha to receive meaningful buffs!

1. There’s been a lot of buzz in the Smite community lately, particularly about Kumbhakarna (Kumbha) and his revamped abilities. In a recent Reddit post by Blood_Shadow, the author jokingly states, “that’s it” – referring to the post’s focus on Kumbha dealing an incredible 1670 damage plus 195% of his magical power with just one ability and his ultimate. This massive power boost has left many players frustrated, leading to conversations about how Kumbha behaves in gameplay, especially when facing him in matches. The post underscores the difficulty some players experience playing against Kumbha, suggesting he’s becoming less interactive and engaging, sparking a broader conversation about game balance and player satisfaction.

Kumbha now does 1670 + 195% of their magical power in a ABILITY + ULT ROTATION. what.
byu/Blood_Shadow inSmite


  • Kumbha’s abilities have been drastically buffed, leading to discussions on game balance.
  • Players express frustration regarding the lack of interaction in matches against him.
  • Some players appreciate the changes, believing Kumbha finally deserves the power boost.
  • The community exhibits a variety of opinions, showcasing the tension between gameplay experience and balance.

Mixed Sentiments Around Kumbha’s Buffs

The release of Kumbha’s new abilities has sent shockwaves through the Smite community, with players sharing a diverse range of sentiments. On one hand, there are those who echo Blood_Shadow’s concerns about the gameplay being reduced to an experience of simply “playing against” Kumbha’s overwhelming power, rather than interacting positively with the game’s mechanics. MagicFighter pointed out the disparity in balance, highlighting that it took around five years for Kumbha to receive meaningful buffs, which begs the question: was it really necessary to throw “the whole kitchen sink” at him? Players are experiencing some serious frustration, as Kumbha’s powerful abilities make matches feel one-sided and detract from the overall enjoyment of the game.

Frustration or Relief: How Players Respond

There’s definitely mixed feelings about Kumbha’s increased power level. Some players are frustrated with his high damage output, while others are thrilled by his newfound strength. Environmental-Ad4090 expressed that it’s “past due” for Kumbha to receive some attention, suggesting he was in need of a power boost. This split opinion demonstrates that while some gamers find the recent meta challenging, others embrace the changes wholeheartedly. The debate now revolves around Kumbha’s role: is he overpowered or are these changes simply a result of game updates? Those who support Kumbha as a dominant character argue that the adjustments required to keep him competitive are crucial, and some may even push for additional modifications to amplify his abilities further.

Kumbha’s Gameplay: A Closer Look at Mechanics

Exploring Kumbha’s functionality alongside these bonuses uncovers an intriguing aspect of gameplay. Chendogmillionaire discusses and compares Kumbha with other guardians in the game, stating that Kumbha aligns well with the rest of the guardian roster when considering other champions’ damage output. This observation, along with others, implies that Kumbha’s buffs might not be as excessive as some perceive. Players have noted that characters like Ares and Ymir can also deal substantial damage when properly positioned. However, this comparison doesn’t mitigate the dissatisfaction among players who feel that recent changes have significantly altered the gameplay dynamics, making it less enjoyable in competitive modes.

Balancing Act: The Future of Kumbha

As the discussion progresses, the main focus revolves around finding a balance between Kumbha’s increased power and keeping other Smite characters relevant in gameplay. When rebalancing a character, it’s important to consider its impact on both competitive play and casual gaming experience. Gbilliard humorously pointed out that Kumbha allows players to observe more of the game instead of actively participating, which highlights a potential issue with Kumbha’s recent buff. If a character is so powerful that it encourages passive viewing rather than active engagement, it raises questions about the enjoyment aspect within the game. Kumbha occupies a unique position where his buffs could attract certain player groups, but for casual players, keeping them involved is crucial.

Through a tapestry of community voices ranging from frustration to relief, players are shaping the narrative surrounding Kumbha’s buff. What’s clear is that these changes are more than mere numbers—they’re crucial to preserving the essence of what makes Smite captivating to its players. Kumbha’s recent adjustments have not only spotlighted his role in the arena but also sparked deeper conversations about balance, gameplay experience, and the ongoing evolution of the game. As players adjust to this new dynamic, it will be interesting to see how they navigate through Kumbha’s prowess and adapt their strategies, as they, like Kumbha, continue to grow in the realm of Smite.

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2024-08-12 01:58