Apex Legends: The Mystery of 126 Damage with Just 3 Bullets

As a seasoned Apex Legends player with thousands of hours under my belt and countless victories to my name, I’ve seen it all – from Wraith’s portals to Gibraltar’s dome shields. However, the recent spate of damage outputs that would make even the Kraber blush has left me scratching my head in disbelief.

Players of Apex Legends have been abuzz due to a post by user Baralai461, which raises eyebrows about an intriguing question: how is it possible for a player to inflict 126 damage with only three bullets? This topic has ignited various responses from the community, ranging from bewilderment to theories suggesting potential cheating. Delving into the details of this debate reveals a growing sense of frustration among players over inconsistencies in damage calculations and their overall gaming experience.

How is this guy doin 126dmg with 3 bullets?
byu/Baralai461 inapexlegends


  • Players are reporting instances of outrageous damage outputs that seem inconsistent with the game’s mechanics.
  • Many in the community suspect cheating or bugs are contributing to these occurrences.
  • Past updates appear to have exacerbated issues with lag and network performance.
  • Players feel exasperated, leading to discussions about the game’s balance and integrity.

Community Reactions

The original post sparked a whirlwind of commentary from players sharing their similar experiences. User Kittykg weighed in, expressing their disbelief at witnessing seemingly impossible damage outputs, such as an uncharged Sentinel doing damage comparable to the legendary Kraber. They shared their experience of being taken out unexpectedly during a match, leading them to question if the game was operating correctly. Kittykg’s frustrations represent a broader sentiment within the community—players are not just curious; they are struggling with a lack of understanding regarding how damage is being calculated in-game.

Cheat Theories and Game Integrity

As the discussion unfolded, remarks like those from GenericCanineDusty sparked surprise since they hinted at the potential use of a rapid-fire hack leading to these unexpected high damages. Although some gamers swiftly dismissed these allegations as unfounded theories, others, such as forumpooper, concurred, pointing out that cheaters have long been an issue in first-person shooter games. This concern is more than just casual grumbling; it’s a crucial aspect impacting the gaming experience, leading many to ponder the authenticity of the matches they’re playing.

The Ripple Effect of Recent Updates

It seems that the latest modifications to Apex Legends have caused several issues, according to players who have reported experiencing lags and inconsistencies during gameplay. Afraid_Geologist_366 speculates that lag switching could be affecting their matches, a concern shared by other players who have noticed an uptick in connectivity problems since the update. This technical hiccup in the gameplay experience has left many players feeling exasperated and powerless, as they continually adjust their expectations to accommodate the issues. It appears that the recent updates have introduced more problems than anticipated solutions.

Personal Anecdotes and Escalating Frustration

<pPlayers have shared vivid accounts of their own inexplicable deaths in Apex Legends, highlighting how those split-second encounters have turned into heart-wrenching defeats. For instance, scottys-thottys detailed a recent match where they succumbed to three seemingly impossible headshots from a Havoc rifle at an extreme distance with no attachments—an occurrence that’s hard to rationalize. Such instances have fueled discussions about balance within the game’s fairness, especially as users like Sebastianx21 voiced their frustrations at being wiped out in fractions of a second with no chance to retaliate. This has escalated the perception that something is fundamentally wrong, prompting calls for developers to take action.

Players Seeking Solutions

Given the persistent problems, players are urging developers to focus on these worries and tackle immediate issues related to gameplay and cheating. Users such as DoughnutRealistic380 question if playing on console with cross-play activated could cause similar odd occurrences, suggesting they want guarantees that their gaming experiences will be acknowledged and corrected. Despite the palpable frustration coursing through the community, there’s a collective demand for openness, solutions, and improvements from Respawn Entertainment. The discussions in these forums underscore a fanbase that is not only enthusiastic about but also protective of their cherished game.

Gamers have shown remarkable adaptability amidst their annoyances, actively participating in debates and revealing their struggles. Yet, the prevalence of skeptical remarks suggests a widespread irritation towards persistent problems. As Apex Legends moves forward, it’s essential for creators to strike a delicate equilibrium between advancements and player satisfaction. Communities flourish when they feel understood, and it’s evident that the Apex Legends community is eager and prepared for change, seeking answers to the confusing damage mechanics that have thrown their gameplay into disarray. Here’s hoping they receive this attention before more players are unexpectedly felled by incomprehensible damage with just a few shots.

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2024-08-11 14:14