Chasing Glory: The Quest for a 20-Kill Game in Apex Legends

As a seasoned Apex Legends player with countless hours under my belt, I can wholeheartedly attest to the thrill and camaraderie that this game brings. Alice_427’s post was a poignant reminder of the rollercoaster of emotions we experience as we strive for that elusive 20-kill game. It’s like chasing a mirage in the desert, always just beyond your reach, but the journey is what keeps us coming back.

Players of Apex Legends frequently strive for the hard-to-reach 20-kill game – a performance demonstrating not just ability, but also resilience in this cutthroat battle royale setting. User Alice_427 lately expressed her disappointment over missing out on this remarkable achievement, reaching out to fellow players for guidance and camaraderie within the subreddit. This discussion ignited a lively exchange showcasing the hurdles faced by players as well as the support they gain from their community. With wit and empathy, contributors shared their tales and tactics, making it an uplifting hangout for any gamer pursuing that elusive accolade.

I was so close to my first 20 kill game I wanna cry
byu/Alice_427 inapexlegends


  • The pursuit of a 20-kill game is a common and emotionally charged goal in Apex Legends.
  • Players regularly share their near misses and strategies, fostering a supportive gaming culture.
  • While some players find it easier in the new game mode, others still struggle to find enough opponents.
  • The conversation showcases a blend of frustration, camaraderie, and encouragement within the community.

The Journey to 20

Playing Apex Legends, hitting a 20-kill game feels like reaching gaming greatness. Countless players yearn for that coveted badge, but only a select few can earn it. In Alice_427’s post, you can sense the raw emotions shared by many gamers: the rush of excitement combined with the sting of near misses. User brotouski101 captured this feeling perfectly when he said, “I had 7, 19 kill games before my first 20.” He was sharing his own journey and the hurdles he faced before breaking through the barrier. The camaraderie displayed in these shared experiences fuels the resolve of gamers like Alice who are on the brink of achieving their dreams.

The Supportive Community

The Reddit post attracted many helpful and encouraging replies, with players offering advice and encouragement, demonstrating a supportive Apex Legends community that understands the emotional ups and downs of this endeavor. HedonistRyuk suggested, “Keep your mental focus and prepare for your First 20. You will reach it,” underscoring the significance of having the right mindset. The inspiring comments show a community that appreciates each other’s accomplishments, whether near or far from the goal. This positive feedback underscores one of gaming’s special qualities: the opportunity to build relationships and friendships with people you may not otherwise know, all bonded by our shared passion for the game.

Challenges and Setbacks

As someone who thrives on the exhilaration of chasing that elusive 20-kill game, I know firsthand how the burden of expectation can sometimes lead to disappointing outcomes. Just recently, I found myself with 19 kills and 20 ‘knocks’ (kills confirmed) a few days ago, only to fall short in the final tally… but I remain optimistic about my chances in this new game mode. It’s clear that success often depends on factors beyond individual skill – group dynamics, the level of competition, and even a dash of luck can all play their part. Balancing teamwork with personal performance is a delicate act, and experiencing a teammate outshine you in a kill can be crushing. However, as in sports, every defeat offers valuable lessons to help us grow stronger.

Diverse Play Strategies

Users offered a wealth of perspectives on Apex Legends’ gameplay tactics, including Fllemingo who shared his unique strategy: “This season I set myself a goal of achieving a 20 kill 4k game using every legend, and I managed to do it in just two days!” This engaging challenge showcases the diverse play styles among legends and underscores the enjoyable aspects of the game. Additionally, varying viewpoints emerged concerning the new mode: some perceived it as an easier path to more kills, while others voiced worries about insufficient player encounters. The wide range of experiences demonstrates that although the game maintains certain commonalities, each player’s interaction with it can differ dramatically.

Considering all these points, it’s evident that playing Apex Legends involves a blend of excitement and annoyance. The community is centered around shared adventures, mirroring their triumphs and tribulations together. Regardless if you’re almost reaching a goal or boasting a 20-kill badge, what truly matters are the thrill of the adventure and the friendships formed during this time.

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2024-08-10 18:28