Joaquin Phoenix Puts the ‘Quitter’ in LGBTQ

As a seasoned movie enthusiast with a penchant for appreciating the artistry and dedication of actors, I find Joaquin Phoenix‘s recent actions to be nothing short of baffling. Having witnessed the grit and determination of numerous stars who have weathered stormy productions, this sudden “cold feet” retreat leaves me more bewildered than a studio executive trying to decipher a Tarantino script.

As a long-time advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and representation in media, I find Joaquin Phoenix’s recent actions deeply disappointing. Having seen countless actors and actresses put their personal fears aside to bring important stories to the screen, it is disheartening to see a high-profile actor like Phoenix abandon a gay romance project just days before filming was set to begin.

There’s talk among the team that the movie’s exit may be related to its planned NC-17 rated gay scenes, and it was Phoenix who suggested the “romantic storyline with a prominent sexual aspect.” As Haynes shared with Variety earlier, “Joaquin was pushing for more explicit sexual content, making it even riskier.” Oh, he’s such a tantalizer! Let me give that coward a piece of my mind.

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2024-08-09 22:55