Clash Royale Player Asks: Which Evolution Should I Choose with 6 Shards?

As an experienced gamer with countless hours spent on Clash Royale under my belt, I can attest to the rich and vibrant nature of its community. The recent debate over GOJ0_1’s evolution choice was a testament to this fact. It showcased the depth of strategic thinking among players, as well as their willingness to share insights and help each other out.

As a dedicated gamer immersed in the world of Clash Royale, I can’t help but marvel at the constant stream of strategic discourse and innovative gameplay tactics that keep our community thriving. Lately, a user named GOJ0_1 ignited quite a stir on the r/ClashRoyale subreddit by posing an intriguing question: “What evolution should I pick? I’ve got 6 shards.” This seemingly straightforward inquiry unleashed a torrent of advice and opinions from fellow gamers, all eager to share their wisdom about the most effective evolutionary choices. With a diverse array of cards at our fingertips, we collectively chimed in with suggestions ranging from the trusty Knight to the formidable Wizard, delving into each card’s potential impact on gameplay. The ensuing conversation offered an illuminating peek into the competitive spirit and varied preferences of Clash Royale players.

what evolution should i get i have 6 shards
byu/GOJ0_1 inClashRoyale


  • The community offered diverse opinions on which evolution to choose, reflecting individual playstyles.
  • Popular suggestions included the Knight, Valkyrie, and Zap, highlighting their versatility.
  • Various players emphasized the importance of choosing an evolution that complements one’s deck.
  • The debate showcased the vibrant and strategic nature of the Clash Royale community.

The Great Evolution Debate

When user GOJ0_1 sought guidance on which evolution path to take with six shards in Clash Royale, he was met with a flood of suggestions from the game’s community. Some suggested timeless choices such as the Bomber, Knight, or Tesla, while others hinted at upcoming Wizard shards becoming available in the store. One user advised, “Wiz could be a good choice, but it might be wiser to wait since you’ll receive 3 evolution Wizard shards next season.” This thoughtful approach to timing demonstrates a more complex strategic aspect: it’s not just about selecting the right evolution, but also deciding when is the optimal moment to make that decision. For players like GOJ0_1, gathering as much information as possible before taking action is crucial.

Choosing Based on Your Deck

A key suggestion that surfaced from the discussions was the significance of choosing evolutions that match your existing deck. CallMeBee_Official pointed out wisely, “Since everyone is using different decks, you’ll get various suggestions. Go with the one you’ll use most often.” This insight underscores the importance of letting personal playstyle guide decisions. The compatibility of evolutions with current decks can significantly impact a player’s success in battles. For instance, if a player frequently employs the Valkyrie for defense, enhancing her evolution using shards could effectively counter opponents’ aggressive decks.

The Allure of Versatility

It’s worth noting that many comments pointed towards characters that offer a wide range of play options. The Knight, praised for his balanced offensive and defensive abilities, was frequently brought up as a solid pick, with several players suggesting he’s a common inclusion in different decks. Comments such as “Knight or Tesla” and “Knight or Wizard” were common, highlighting the appreciation for these versatile cards. Furthermore, one player proposed an innovative strategy: “Take three on Zap and three on Valk… Valk can counter spam, while Zap enhances both your offense and defense.” This adaptability is a recurring trend in Clash Royale, as players grapple with the dilemma between specialized and all-purpose characters.

Experimentation and Risk

From my perspective as an avid fan, what really stood out during our chat was the element of risk and experimentation that’s a constant part of every player’s adventure. Many players admitted that uncovering various evolutions could lead to more varied strategies in their gameplay. For example, one user suggested going for both Zap and Barbarians, emphasizing, “give Lava Hound a try.” This seems to suggest a readiness to think beyond the norm. After all, it’s not uncommon that less traditional decisions can lead to unexpected victories in battles. While some advocate sticking with trusted characters, the charm of Clash Royale lies in its potential for creativity and innovation.

As the discussion on GOJ0_1’s query progresses, it becomes evident that selecting an evolution isn’t solely based on numbers; it’s all about strategy, timing, and personal flair. Although players might have varying viewpoints and tastes regarding their evolution decisions, they are united by a common passion for the game. The lively exchange within the community showcases the dedication, thrill, and infinite potential that Clash Royale offers. Regardless of whether one chooses the reliable Knight or an off-beat option, what truly matters is ensuring the evolution complements your distinctive play style. Thus, when contemplating your next evolution, remember: take into account your deck setup, strategize, and don’t shy away from experimenting—you never know, it might just be the key to that winning moment!

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2024-08-09 17:13