Spiral of Destinies Guide in Sword of Convallaria, Tips and Best Strategy

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that Sword of Convallaria has quickly become one of my favorite titles. The intricate mechanics and engaging storylines of Spiral of Destinies have me hooked!

In the game Sword of Convallaria, there’s a solo player option named “Spiral of Fates.” You can replay this mode numerous times to explore distinct narratives based on the decisions you make and progressing through other aspects of the game. This guide aims to clarify all the mechanics in “Spiral of Fates” and offer crucial tips and tactics to enhance your gaming experience.

  • Sword of Convallaria – Astral Path
  • Sword of Convallaria – Voyage Map
  • Sword of Convallaria – Knowledge Points
  • Sword of Convallaria – Tips and Best Strategy for Spiral of Destinies

Sword of Convallaria – Astral Path

On the Astral Journey, you have the opportunity to open up various points, granting you advantages such as new options, extra chances to replay past levels, or additional characters for your future adventure in Spiral of Destinies. To access these points, you will require Astral Droplets, which are acquired by finishing stages within Spiral of Destinies. As the Astral Journey progresses, you may also uncover secret narrative events along the way.

Sword of Convallaria – Voyage Map

In the game “Sword of Convallaria“, the Voyage Map displays various branches that have been unveiled within the Spiral of Destinies, contingent upon your character’s choices throughout the narrative. As you progress, you acquire Beacons symbolizing these critical decisions. These Beacons grant you the ability to revisit the story from alternative decision junctures and explore different story arcs that were previously inaccessible.

Sword of Convallaria – Knowledge Points

In the game “Sword of Convallaria,” the story is broken down into several segments known as the Spiral of Destinies. Finishing each segment grants you Knowledge Points. As your Knowledge accumulates, you gain access to beneficial items and currency. This is a significant incentive for delving into the single-player narrative in the game. These rewards are crucial for enhancing characters within The Fool’s Journey and for gathering resources to summon fresh heroes, such as Gloria, Col, Faycal, or Maitha – essential elements of the gameplay experience.

Sword of Convallaria – Tips and Best Strategy for Spiral of Destinies

  1. Choosing Characters – When starting a new story in Spiral of Destinies, you can only select a limited number of characters from your roster. It’s crucial to understand that these characters will start from scratch, disregarding their progress outside of this mode. Leveling up heroes here differs significantly from the main game. To increase your chances of success, consider summoning new characters before embarking on your journey.
  2. New Characters – New characters for the single-player story mode can only be obtained from the Tavern. The Tavern offers only a few rotating heroes every few weeks at affordable prices. While Legendary heroes aren’t available, it’s worth keeping an eye out for Epic ones. A diverse hero roster is essential for not only combat but also other activities within Spiral of Destinies.
  3. Leveling up your characters – The Training Ground is where you enhance your squad’s abilities for coins. Initially, only one character can train at a time, but more slots unlock as you progress. Choose from various training options, including leveling up characters, acquiring new skills, or boosting specific stats. Remember, characters in training are temporarily unavailable for participating in quests and other activities.
  4. Town – You will unlock new features in the town as you progress through the story. Rest heroes in the Haven to restore power, essential for battles and other activities. The Sanctuary provides temporary buffs, while the Luxite Workshop is the primary source of Talents in this game mode. You need to first gain Luxite Extract from clearing Field Research tasks from Beryl to unlock new Talents in the Research Upgrades (Talents and TP are very different in the Elysium game mode). In Forge you can craft new equipment, and materials. Don’t worry if you don’t have any blueprints yet, you will get them for finishing quests.

Spiral of Destinies Guide in Sword of Convallaria, Tips and Best Strategy

  1. Alliance – There are three main alliances you can choose to support in Spiral of Destinies. To earn extra points for a specific faction, select quests with their logo. If unsure about a faction, check the quest description. Honored relationship with a faction will unlock their characters in the Tavern.
  2. Choosing Quests – Multiple quests are available each week, but you can only choose one. These quests have time limits, so careful consideration is essential. Prioritize quests that align with your main chapter goals, such as gaining faction points. If you’re trying to forge new equipment, you should aim for task with the needed resources. Some missions even have new blueprints for weapons, so check each reward carefully, to get what you actually need.
  3. Merchant – Check the Town map at the start of each week for a chest icon on a building, indicating a visiting merchant. Purchase valuable items or sell unwanted clutter from your inventory.
  4. Side missions – Look for the three-dot icon on buildings in Town to discover available side missions. These tasks can sometimes offer opportunities to earn legendary gear or upgrades for your Town.

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2024-08-08 15:01