Maximize Your Loot: Destiny 2 Solstice Farming Tips for Altars of Sorrow

Discussions about Destiny 2’s Solstice farming at Altars of Sorrow have sparked another round of debate among gamers. Players are sharing their tactics and experiences, with a particular post by user WetEconomics offering an efficient method for quickly obtaining Solstice armor. This approach emphasizes completing altar runs, where on average, two sets of armor bounties can be earned per run. It’s also suggested that teaming up with a friend and rotating fireteam members can boost the results significantly. However, opinions among players are divided; while some find this method extremely beneficial, others propose alternative strategies for quicker gear advancement.

Solstice farm = Altars of sorrows.
byu/WetEconomics inDestinyTheGame


  • A post by WetEconomics details methods for farming Solstice armor through Altars of Sorrow.
  • Players share mixed sentiments, with some praising the method while others suggest faster alternatives.
  • The Altars of Sorrow encounters yield valuable rewards, but the efficiency is debated.
  • Collaborative gameplay strategies are encouraged, enhancing the gameplay experience.

The Method: How WetEconomics Farms Solstice Armor

In Destiny 2, WetEconomics employs an uncommon farming technique through the Altars of Sorrow encounters to acquire rewards. Their method includes collaborating with a friend and employing a cyclical approach where they repeatedly join and exit the fireteam within the Altars. This strategy is said to yield approximately 25 silver leaves and 2 armor bounty sets per completion on average. While this tactic appears successful for WetEconomics, it fosters teamwork among players, making farming more efficient and enjoyable as a group rather than individually. Many users have praised this cooperative aspect, indicating that working together can enhance both productivity and enjoyment when tackling the Altars collectively.

User Sentiments: Are Altars of Sorrow the Best Option?

Although WetEconomics’ approach has its supporters, other gamers swiftly proposed various farming techniques that might be more effective. For example, one participant, pulsedrive, made a compelling argument: “Why would you have to depart? You can actually obtain fresh rewards from the forge within your quest log.” This implies that the method suggested by WetEconomics may not be the most efficient choice for everyone. As Destiny 2 offers multiple ways to accumulate rewards, players are discussing whether Altars of Sorrow should be the preferred farming location or if there are other strategies with higher returns in less time. The dialogue demonstrates the range of strategies gamers explore and the significance of community discussions in identifying the most effective methods within games.

Alternative Options for Efficient Farming

The discussion swiftly shifts to various approaches, as numerous participants express their preferences for distinct tactics in Destiny 2. For instance, embarrassed_set7387 suggested that farming Raid encounters or PoH final boss offers a quicker approach. This underscores the diverse gameplay environment of Destiny 2, where players are always striving to enhance their gaming experience by optimizing their strategies for superior rewards. Players often explore different areas within the game, focusing on maximizing their resources and equipment. The flexibility in these tactics demonstrates how each player can customize their Destiny 2 journey by deviating from predetermined paths and discovering what best suits them. Farming isn’t merely about gathering whatever is available; it’s about identifying the most effective methods for the loot you desire!

Cooperative Gameplay at Its Best

WetEconomics’ farming strategy emphasizes teamwork, much like the spirit in the Destiny community, especially during challenges such as Altars of Sorrow. The importance of cooperative play is consistently highlighted by players, underlining the pivotal role that unity and collaboration play in the game’s thriving success. User drDOOM_is_in added to this discussion, echoing similar thoughts: “You can focus on getting the gold raid rewards, aim for five of them, then join a Kalii cheese…” This idea of leveraging teamwork to swiftly acquire rewards appeals to numerous players seeking to enhance their gaming journey. Whether it’s through Altars, raids, or various event interactions, collaboration often leads to more substantial rewards and strengthens the bond between players.

The buzzing conversation around Destiny 2’s Altars of Sorrow farming methods showcases the intricacies of player strategy and community feedback. As players continually seek ways to optimize their gear and rewards, they find themselves navigating a vibrant landscape of opinions and alternatives. The shared experiences and recommendations enrich the gaming experience for players, making it an engaging and competitive environment. So, whether you decide to cycle your fireteam out in the Altars or head for the speedy raids, the most crucial takeaway is to keep the spirit of collaboration alive and continue sharing tips and tricks. That’s what makes Destiny 2 not just a game, but a thriving community.

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2024-08-08 12:28