Smite 2: A Bold New Direction for God Damage Types

As a seasoned veteran of the SMITE battlefield, I’ve witnessed the evolution of this magnificent game since its inception. From the days of yore when gods could only wield one damage type to the introduction of hybrid builds that brought about a tactical revolution, I’ve been there every step of the way.

In a buzz of conversation among its players, Smite has sparked debate due to a significant update about damage types in Smite 2. This update requires that all gods will now only inflict one type of damage, resembling the initial Smite gameplay. While some players are thrilled by this change, particularly because it offers more flexibility in building, others mourn the demise of what made diverse damage types special and tactical. As the community expresses their views, a blend of humor and frankness has arisen, offering a wide array of opinions from every angle.

BIG CHANGE for SMITE 2: All gods will now only deal ONE damage type, similar to SMITE 1, BUT any god can still build any item, and some hybrid gods still scale their damage from both stat types.
byu/Snufflebox inSmite


  • Players are generally divided on the new changes, with some seeing it as a step forward.
  • The single damage type approach echoes back to the original Smite, pulling mixed nostalgia from veterans.
  • Some players express frustration that the changes might limit strategic depth in gameplay.
  • There is a lightheartedness in the discussion, despite varied opinions.

A Shift Back to Simplicity

The decision to revert back to a single damage type has sparked an array of responses from the community. A user named DopioGelato quipped, “I heard there’s a new title too: Smite 2: Smite,” highlighting a sense of irony in the change. Many seem to perceive this as akin to a throwback to the days before the introduction of hybrid builds, fostering sentimentality among long-time players while leaving newer players in a bit of confusion. One commenter, Gharbin1616, humorously posed the question about whether it meant a “Crit Ymir is now magical,” pointing to the amusing implications of the new mechanics. The laughter comes from a shared experience among veterans who remember the intricate balancing act that characterized the earlier editions of the game.

Balance vs. Strategy

Despite the giggles, there’s a serious layer to the discussions where some players are expressing their disappointment with the new changes. User Sernyx_X lamented, “Really bummed out by this. I was excited to see them take notes from Dota.” This sentiment reflects the desire for a more nuanced gameplay experience, where players could rely on building multiple resistance types, adding another layer of strategy to the game. By moving away from these complex concepts, many fear that Smite 2 will lack the depth that could keep the game engaging for a longer time. This trade-off between balance and strategic diversity is at the forefront of the discussions, eliciting a passionate response from both sides.

Crafting New Strategies

Some players are questioning these updates due to potential consequences, but others are embracing them wholeheartedly. For instance, MagicFighter stated, “I’m glad about this because Anubis dealing physical damage when he was mostly a mage seemed a bit silly.” These sentiments show a preference for a more streamlined and harmonious gaming environment. This transformation encourages the creation of strategies with a clearer battlefield layout, reducing confusion from unpredictable hybrid mechanics. Moreover, players are thrilled about the prospect of diverse itemization options, allowing champions to experiment with different builds without limitations based on their damage type. Some members of the community are enthused about the game’s direction, as it moves towards a balance that can bring novelty while still maintaining its competitive edge.

Paving the Road Ahead

A significant aspect of this subject is the desire among players for Smite to differentiate itself from conventional MOBA models like Dota and League of Legends. As expressed by user theend117, “It’s good they’re making changes; I still won’t play it, but it’s a step in the right direction.” This sentiment is shared by many within the community, who wish for Smite to establish its own unique character instead of mimicking other games. By introducing innovative alterations to its fundamental mechanics, such as these new damage types, Smite aims to stand out and invite players to delve deeper into its mythology and gameplay. Players appear excited about the journey ahead, hoping for a Smite that is both distinctive and captivating, steering clear of the pitfalls that often plague similar games.

As the community both accepts and scrutinizes these advancements, it’s evident that Smite 2 is poised at a critical juncture, with potential changes possibly marking a new chapter in gameplay. Given the game’s dedicated and participatory player base, the dialogue between developers and players remains crucial in determining Smite’s future course. Regardless of whether players feel excited or irritated by these changes, they are undeniably interested in the direction of Smite, demonstrating the lively community that has grown around the game. As debates intensify, gamers eagerly await the release of Smite 2 and the impact its innovative mechanics will have on their adventures among the gods.

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2024-08-08 05:13