„I So Hated It That I Got Rid of All My Agents”. Because of This Movie with Jason Statham, the Oscar-winning Actor Withdrew from Cinema

As a gamer with an appreciation for both theater and cinema, I can relate to Mark Rylance’s journey. While he may have made a name for himself on the stage, his foray into films was not always smooth sailing. The 2011 film “Blitz” left such a sour taste in his mouth that it led him to take a four-year hiatus from acting in movies. That’s like quitting a popular MMORPG for four years because you died too many times in one raid!

Mark Rylance is primarily a theater actor, yet he’s also made appearances in film productions. However, not every movie he’s been in makes him proud – he still regrets his role in the 2011 film Blitz, which he starred alongside Jason Statham.

Due to this film production, he became so disheartened that he temporarily retired from acting in movies for four years. In fact, during this period, he also dismissed all of his agents, whom he felt had pressured him into working on Elliott Lester’s movie, as he revealed in an interview with The Big Issue.

As a gamer, I’d say: I don’t feel the pressure to excel in every artistic medium out there. In fact, I believe both film and stage acting have their unique merits, neither being inherently superior to the other. Back in 2010, I starred in a movie called “Blitz” that left me with a bitter taste. The experience was so dreadful, I decided to part ways with all my agents, opting to focus on different aspects of gaming instead.

Despite numerous opinions within the industry that one needed to be a film or TV series actor to be recognized, the actor held a different view and preferred to focus on theater. However, after four years, he made a comeback to cinema, thanks to Steven Spielberg and a chance to star in the movie “Bridge of Spies“. This decision turned out to be fruitful as it won him an Oscar for his supporting role.

Initially, I decided to step back from pursuing roles in films. Surprisingly, circumstances seemed to conspire when Steven Spielberg attended one of my plays, leading to the series of events that followed.

It’s puzzling why Mark Rylance seems to have such strong dislike towards the movie “Blitz“, considering his only comments on it were that it’s dreadful. He openly expressed his feelings in an interview with The Irish Times.

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2024-08-07 12:01