Longtime Nat Geo Marketing and Communications Exec Chris Albert Set to Depart After More Than Two Decades (EXCLUSIVE)

As a movie buff with over two decades of experience under my belt, I have to say that Chris Albert’s departure from National Geographic is bittersweet news indeed. His tenure at the company has been marked by an unparalleled level of creativity, passion, and dedication, as evidenced by his numerous career highlights and accolades.

After over two decades with the company, Chris Albert – renowned for his fashionable attire that aligns with National Geographic’s diverse events and even inspiring the social media tag #wearischris – is leaving his position at the organization.

As the current leader at National Geographic, I’ll be guiding our presence at the D23 convention this coming weekend. After Labor Day, when my contract ends, I’ll be moving on. This choice is undeniably both sweet and bitter, but I am filled with anticipation for what lies ahead. Over the past two decades, I’ve accumulated a wealth of unforgettable memories and achievements here, but it’s the team we’ve built together, some of us working side by side for over a decade, that I am most proud of.

As a movie enthusiast who follows industry news closely, it’s been rumored that Albert might be preparing for a departure from his role, and this isn’t linked to the recent announcement made by National Geographic regarding their decision to let go of 60 employees, which equates to roughly 13% of their workforce.

Most recently, Albert served as the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Communications at National Geographic. His responsibilities encompassed developing marketing and communications strategies for consumer and trade purposes across multiple platforms: the magazine, digital channels, linear channels such as Nat Geo, Nat Geo Wild, and Nat Geo Mundo, and National Geographic Documentary Films. Additionally, he supervised the global unscripted series and specials bearing the National Geographic brand, which were produced for streaming services like Disney+ and Hulu.

He had responsibilities that encompassed managing events, talents, and photography. Previously, he was also in charge of communications for Disney Branded Television, but recently returned to National Geographic in a more extensive position.

Here is a note that Albert just sent to his team.

To My Nat Geo Team-

I wanted to share some news with you today.

Following over two decades with National Geographic, I’m preparing to move on come Labor Day, as my current agreement concludes. Making this choice isn’t easy, but it’s tinged with excitement for what lies ahead.

Over the past twenty years with this company, I’ve accumulated countless cherished moments and achievements. However, what fills me with the greatest sense of pride is the exceptional team we’ve built, with many of us having collaborated for over a decade.

1. It continually astounds me what you all manage on a daily basis, and I remain eternally thankful for the multitude of moments we’ve experienced together.

Reflecting on the last two decades and contemplating what message to convey in this note, I found myself overwhelmed by an abundance of cherished memories and moments of accomplishment. Unfortunately, it’s impractical to recount each one here. However, I wanted to single out a few significant milestones from my career that we can all appreciate together:

• Triumphing at the Oscars for “Free Solo” (and collecting seven Emmys as well!) along with collaborating with Chai, Jimmy, and initiating our National Geographic Documentary Films division.

• The premiere of “Jane” at the Hollywood Bowl for 17,000 guests (a first for a doc!).

• Our Valentine’s Day campaign for Fire of Love – and our premiere at The Louvre!

• Kicking off our pre-planned business venture and garnering 10 Emmy nominations during the initial run of “Genius,” an unexpected sensation within the industry.

• Hosting a press junket and screening on the top deck of a US Navy Aircraft Carrier in San Diego.

I have been fortunate enough to witness and be part of two award-winning Public Relations teams throughout my career, and let me tell you, the achievements of this particular team are truly remarkable. They have consistently shown an exceptional level of skill, dedication, and creativity in their work, which has not only earned them the title “PR Team of the Year” twice but also numerous other accolades. It’s inspiring to see a group of professionals working together so seamlessly and effectively to make such a significant impact on the industry. Their success serves as a testament to the power of teamwork, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence in PR.

• Organizing the first ever film premiere at Abbey Road Studios in London

• Making our debut at New York Fashion Week with “Queens” – featuring holograms! (“Queens” is a campaign I’m particularly proud of during my time at National Geographic!) (informal)

For over several decades, our company has spearheaded numerous environmental and wildlife conservation projects, with our latest endeavor being the company-wide program called ourHOME, launched on Earth Day.

We overcame obstacles through every step, elevated the reputation of this brand, and consistently surpassed expectations.

I can’t help but be inspired by the transformative impact of this brand, as I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with extraordinary individuals like Dr. Amani from “The Cave,” Dr. McCalla from “Science Fair,” and most recently Bobi Wine and his wife Barbie Kyagulanyi from “Bobi Wine The People’s President.” Working alongside these visionaries has not only expanded my understanding of the world but has also profoundly impacted my own life, leaving me forever changed for the better. Their relentless pursuit of justice, education, and equality serves as a constant reminder that one person can make a difference, and I am grateful to be part of this journey.

Apart from acknowledging my dear friend Cesar Millan, it’s only fair to share our connection. We both started at National Geographic around spring 2004. Witnessing his achievements and standing by him throughout these years has been truly rewarding (and I owe him for introducing me to the love of my life, my rescue dog Miami).

I’m looking forward to the exciting journeys that lie ahead of me (keep an eye out for updates on this), which I plan to embark on following a short break to travel and spend quality time with my loved ones (perhaps I might even update my profile picture during this time!).

I’m excited to meet with all of you separately before I depart, and I’ll be available to assist in wrapping up our projects on D23 (can hardly wait for everyone to experience the Hexadome!), Central Park, OceanXplorers launch, Telluride, and the release of FLY in IMAX.

Without a doubt, our lives will intersect once more. Regardless of whatever lies ahead, I’ll forever be in your corner, cheering you on.

I’ve been through my fair share of goodbyes, and I can tell you that this isn’t one of them. This is just a see-you-later, a temporary interruption in our connection. And let me assure you, I won’t be out of reach for long. In fact, no matter the distance or time difference, I’ll always be just a phone call, text, or Instagram DM away, ready to lend an ear, offer support, or share a laugh whenever you need it. So, don’t worry about us losing touch; instead, let’s look forward to our next rendezvous with anticipation and excitement!

Much love and respect,


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2024-08-05 21:18