Exploring Frustration in Smite’s Ranked Gameplay: What’s the Point?

As a veteran Smite player with countless hours invested in both ranked and casual matches, I can’t help but feel a sense of disillusionment when reading through the tales of woe shared by fellow players regarding the current state of competitive play. My own experiences mirror many of those described – from the frustration of toxic teammates to the heartache of pointless arguments before matches that never seem to end well. It’s like playing a game of musical chairs, but instead of music, we have disconnects and trolls.

Discussion over Smite’s ranked gameplay has sparked intense discussions within the gaming community, with user The_Pandemonium bringing forth concerns shared by many. In a recent post, they described a rapid drop from Platinum 1 to Gold 3 over a week, citing frequent encounters with toxic teammates, futile pre-match squabbles, and frustrating disconnections that appear to be common in ranked matches. This resonates with numerous players who have expressed similar dissatisfaction with the ranked experience, leading us to ponder: What true benefits does playing ranked in Smite offer?

What’s the point of playing ranked
byu/The_Pandemonium inSmite


  • Players report a frustrating atmosphere in ranked games, often dominated by toxic teammates and uncompetitive matchmaking.
  • Many users express skepticism about the value of ranked play, suggesting that casual games can be more competitive and enjoyable.
  • Complaints about disconnects, trolls, and a general lack of seriousness pervade discussions about ranked gameplay.
  • Some players long for a more controlled competitive experience, suggesting premade teams or organized leagues as alternatives.

The Downfall of Competitive Play

Participants on the Smite subreddit are voicing their concerns about the declining quality of ranked play, stating that the once intense and competitive atmosphere appears to have weakened. Users like GWI_Raviner have commented on the inconsistent matchmaking, which they believe exacerbates the problem. The sentiment is that the ranked mode has moved away from its intended goal, as a player expressed, “I rarely, if ever, get a game with 10 competitive players who were focused on winning.” Players lament the frequent encounters with trolls or those lacking basic gameplay knowledge, leading them to question whether the competitive ladder is still truly competitive or just a pretense of seriousness.

Toxicity and Team Dynamics

Upon examining the anecdotes presented in the post, it’s apparent that the problems go beyond just the gameplay aspects. As pointed out by The_Pandemonium, pre-match squabbles among teammates intensify the annoyance. Numerous users have reported instances of ‘team conflict,’ which dismantle any opportunity for harmony and teamwork. Fit-Variation-4731 expressed it concisely: “Ranked games are futile; my casual matches are more competitive.” This suggests a rising sentiment among players that the toxicity prevalent in ranked modes makes it less engaging than unranked play. It’s like waiting for amusement while others are busy accusing and blaming each other.

Hope in Casual Play and Organized Games

Despite the setbacks, some players discovered solace in exploring different options. As noted by Angry4Pickles, ‘There isn’t.’ Players yearn for a more organized and authentic competitive environment, such as 5v5 games that allow communication via Discord. This sentiment emphasizes a desire for a more structured competitive landscape instead of relying on the current matchmaking system. Although casual games offer a more engaging experience due to less intense competition, aspects like team coordination can be challenging in ranked modes. Users are seeking a solution that either offers a friendlier environment or a way to team up with trustworthy players. Making friends within the game becomes almost essential for maintaining the pleasure derived from ranked matches.

Pondering the Why of Ranked Play

The main issue that surfaces from these feelings of dissatisfaction is: Why do we persist in playing ranked matches on Smite, given that they frequently lead to unpleasant experiences? As a humorous take, JealousReaction8727 suggests that the sole motivation for playing ranked is to gain a ‘boost’ for one’s ego. This viewpoint implies that a significant portion of players are driven more by the desire for recognition than the pleasure derived from competitive gameplay itself. If players flood the ranked mode in search of validation, it adds complexity to what a ranked match was originally intended for. Given the calls for a more authentic competition, a question emerges: could it be that the thrilling victories in ranked are overshadowed by recurring letdowns? Acknowledging that many players connect with the game due to its competitive aspect implies a shared ground, suggesting that the issues might stem from deviations from the original design rather than fundamental flaws.

Players find themselves immersed in a rich emotional landscape when it comes to Smite’s ranked gameplay. A whirlwind of emotions like frustration and challenge fills the air among players, providing vital feedback for ongoing problem-solving within competitive play. Despite some persistent issues that seem to undermine its worth, the pursuit of fun and fulfillment remains unyielding. It’s essential that players discover pathways promoting genuine collaboration – whether through relaxed game modes or structured leagues – keeping the essence of competition alive amidst the turmoil.

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2024-08-04 20:44