Apex Legends: Players Rage About Ranked Matches and the Lack of a Requeue Button

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can’t help but empathize with the plight of helish_88 and many others who have voiced their concerns about Apex Legends’ ranked matchmaking system. I too have found myself up against opponents that make me question if they’ve been playing since the game’s inception, all while trying to climb the ranks solo.

For some time now, Apex Legends has been grabbing gaming attention, but lately, gamers are expressing discontent with its ranked matchmaking system. A post entitled ‘Ranked Chaos: Why Am I Facing Masters? And Why Haven’t Developers Added a Requeue Button?’ by helish_88 showcases the persistent issues solo queue players encounter when trying to advance in rank. The main concern revolves around being matched against significantly more skilled players, especially during crucial moments where every point matters. Numerous community members joined the discussion, relaying their own experiences and criticizing the matchmaking system, resulting in a blend of discontentment and bewilderment over Apex Legends’ ranked system structure.

ranked rambled, why I’m playing against masters? and why devs didn’t add requeue button?
byu/helish_88 inapexlegends


  • The post generates a largely negative sentiment from players frustrated with ranked matchmaking.
  • Many players feel pitted against opponents that are too skilled, undermining solo queue efforts.
  • Several players express a desire for improvements in game modes and ask for features like a requeue button.
  • The conversation amplifies challenges faced in the competitive scene of Apex Legends, especially for solo players.

Community Frustration with Matchmaking

The heart of the issue lies in the matchmaking system in Apex Legends, primarily for those who prefer playing solo. Commenters shared their feelings of helplessness when they found themselves battling against players in much higher ranks. One user, Neat_South7650, succinctly sums up the sentiment, saying, ‘I’m not sure how this game mode doesn’t tell solo queue players to go f*ck themselves even harder than usual.’ This captures a universal frustration among solo queue players who often feel outmatched and undervalued in the competitive landscape of Apex Legends. Players lament that their partnerships in matches often don’t reflect their skill levels, leading to a gaming experience that feels more punishing than rewarding.

Demand for Better Ranked Modes

The community is urging for enhancements in their competitive game modes, particularly requesting a more precise matchmaking system as the next season approaches. A user named realgeorgelogan even questioned if the current season was still ongoing since they believed season 22 starts on Tuesday. As the new season draws near, players are concerned that existing issues with matchmaking might affect their future gaming experience. The overall sentiment in the discussion thread suggests a preference for developers to prioritize matchmaking adjustments over creating new events or monetization tactics that may not align with the players’ requirements.

The Lack of a Requeue Button

One of the most discussed topics in the thread was the absence of a requeue button for ranked matches. This absence has been a sore point for many players, particularly for solo queuers facing a string of tough matches. User immigrantsmurfo articulates a common frustration with the game’s direction when they state that Respawn seems to be ‘insisting on these stupid game modes that nobody wants or plays.’ The desire for a requeue button signals players’ wishes for more control over their matchmaking experiences. As many players push through the ranked grind, having the ability to reset after unfavorable matches could allow for a more balanced and enjoyable competitive session, reducing the overall frustration.

The Players’ Call for Change

The community continues to express optimism that the developers will eventually respond to their suggestions regarding matchmaking problems, as these concerns have been consistently expressed across multiple discussion forums about Apex Legends. Players are emphasizing their enjoyment of the game’s core mechanics and gameplay, but they’re urging the developers to pay closer attention to addressing player issues. Some comments, such as ‘Who is making these decisions at Respawn?’, indicate that players feel a gap between themselves and the developers. They desire Respawn to prioritize user-friendly modifications, not asking for extraordinary changes. Instead, they seek balance adjustments and enhanced matchmaking, which seems a fair expectation considering the extensive time they’ve invested in the game.

The conversations surrounding ranked play in Apex Legends reflect a wider struggle with competitive gaming. Players crave a fair environment where they feel their skills are recognized and accurately matched. The outcry over matchmaking and the absence of a requeue button reveals deep-seated issues within the ranked system — issues that, if addressed, could lead to a healthier community and a more positive gaming experience. Acknowledging this feedback is crucial, and it would benefit Respawn to tap into the valuable insights shared by these players. After all, community engagement isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the key to ensuring players feel valued and heard.

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2024-08-04 13:14