Destiny 2 Discussion: Would Hammer Throw and Banner of War Break Prismatic Titan?

As a veteran Destiny 2 player with countless hours spent mastering the art of Titan gameplay, I find myself deeply invested in the ongoing discussions surrounding the proposed updates to our beloved subclass. Having fought through the Leviathan, battled the Red Legion, and even braved the ever-expanding darkness beyond the Last City walls, I have a unique perspective on the balance dilemma that faces our Titan brethren.

Players of Destiny 2 have been actively discussing ways to improve the Titan subclass, with a specific focus on the Prismatic Titan, in various online forums. Topics such as Hammer Throw, Banner of War, and Controlled Demolition have been proposed as potential enhancements, sparking an engaging conversation about both their benefits and drawbacks. The thread started by user “TheAtlasComplex” has led to a dynamic exchange of ideas. While some players see these changes as a means to bring Titan’s abilities on par with Hunter’s agility and Warlock’s versatility, others express concerns that balancing might become an issue. This seems to reflect a mix of optimism and apprehension, highlighting the players’ commitment to fair competition in the game.

Do you think Hammer Throw, Banner of War and/ or Controlled Demolition would be too broken for Prismatic Titan?
byu/TheAtlasComplex inDestinyTheGame


  • Players voicing their opinions display a desire for balance while advocating for more robust Titan mechanics.
  • Some believe that Hammer Throw could revitalize gameplay experiences, while others caution against its dominance.
  • Banner of War stirred mixed reactions; players recognize its potential yet worry about how it might overshadow existing abilities.
  • Comments reveal a humorous outlook on the balance dilemma as players reminisce about Hunter and Warlock advantages.

The Balance Dilemma

As a dedicated Destiny 2 fan, I often find myself at the heart of the discussion about the balance between power and fairness for Titan class. A fellow gamer, MonoclePenguin, eloquently expressed this struggle, saying, “Controlled Demolition would have been an ideal choice for Prismatic. If not for the recent change in marketing the new aspect to Unbreakable, I believe they would have chosen it.” This sentiment echoes the concerns of many players who feel that Titans have been underrepresented when it comes to competitive viability in raids and high-level content. Essentially, if Titans are given buffs, maintaining a fair balance among all classes will be crucial to preserve the gameplay parity within Destiny 2.

Insights on Abilities

In the gaming community, there’s a lot of debate about whether Hammer Throw is an effective addition to existing character abilities. User “AggronStrong” argues that it could work well, given its strength comes from the combination of Roaring Flames and Sol Invictus. Many players are excited about the possibility of Hammer Throw fitting seamlessly into Titan builds, but they want it to be powerful without overshadowing the class’s unique qualities compared to others. The discussion also highlights the importance of balance in multiplayer scenarios, where each ability needs to work well with others.

Laughter Amidst a Serious Debate

In what might appear as intense debates, participants often inject humor, making even critical conversations more light-hearted. To illustrate, a fellow gamer jokingly brought up balance concerns while imaginatively proposing an alteration to Shield Throw’s function, likening it to Threaded Spike if the mechanic works for Titans. This playful banter signifies a strong bond within the gaming community, as they find humor even in challenging gameplay issues. Not only do they address complex gaming dynamics, but they also demonstrate the friendships that develop around common struggles in gaming.

The Longing for Buffs

In each post, it’s evident that players are passionately advocating for enhancements to the abilities of Titan subclasses. Users such as “DrugOfGods” voice their wish for more significant upgrades, stating, “I opted for warlock as my main and I get devour on all ability kills…I believe it wouldn’t be harmful to provide something powerful to titans.” This sentiment highlights the perception players have of Titan’s current status, and many feel that equipping them with more powerful tools would merely even out the competition. The core discussion revolves around ensuring a level playing field for all classes so they can prosper without overshadowing one another, rather than promoting Titan supremacy.

The continuous chat among Destiny 2 players about potential uses for the Titan subclass, focusing on abilities like Hammer Throw, Banner of War, and Controlled Demolition, demonstrates a deep level of collaboration and idea sharing. Although these discussions can stray into realms of silliness and reminiscing over game balance, they underscore a common goal: improving the gaming experience. Ultimately, it’s the players’ enthusiasm that makes this dialogue intriguing. Titans, along with all classes, strive for more than just survival; they seek to assert their dominance as formidable combatants in the heat of battle.

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2024-08-04 03:58