Call of Duty: Why Infinite Warfare Is One of the Most Underrated Games in the Franchise

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in the Call of Duty universe, I find myself wholeheartedly agreeing with Zestylamb69 and the passionate discussion surrounding Infinite Warfare that unfolded on the subreddit. Having played through the game multiple times, I can attest to its visual prowess—the space-themed environments and intricate maps are nothing short of breathtaking.

In the gaming realm, Call of Duty continues to dominate, but certain games like Infinite Warfare are sometimes eclipsed by others. A recent post titled “Wow, Infinite Warfare is Stunning” on the Call of Duty subreddit ignited a lively debate about this underappreciated game within the series. The original poster, Zestylamb69, didn’t contribute much content but managed to spark a heated discussion among fans who believe that Infinite Warfare deserves more recognition. Fans exchanged views, recalling the game’s exciting features and lamenting the negative response it received initially. The general feeling expressed in the thread was positive, with many praising the game for its intricate details and breathtaking environments.

[COD] Damn Infinite Warfare Is Gorgeous
byu/Zestylamb69 inCallOfDuty


  • A strong appreciation for the game’s graphical fidelity and unique setting, with many believing it to be one of the best-looking COD titles.
  • Comments highlight that Infinite Warfare dealt with unfortunate timing as it followed other games that focused on advanced movement, which led to a mixed reception.
  • Players argue that had it been released in a different order, it might have been celebrated instead of criticized.
  • There’s a collective feeling of nostalgia, with many looking back fondly on the campaign’s unique elements and imaginative scenarios.

The Underrated Visuals of Infinite Warfare

The graphics in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare are simply awe-inspiring, as discussed extensively in various Reddit posts. Users such as Snivinerior2 even called it “one of the best CoD games,” highlighting its underappreciated nature. This sentiment suggests a broader admiration for the game’s artistic direction and visual choices. The environments are meticulously designed, with complex maps set against the backdrop of a space-themed universe that features stunning visuals. The graphics were notably improved compared to previous titles, a point many players emphasized. The diverse landscapes—from futuristic cityscapes to the enigmatic expanses of space—represent an artistic achievement that deserves recognition from the developers. Captivating visuals add depth to gameplay experiences, and this installment in the Call of Duty series did not shy away from creating an immersive world.

The Campaign Experience: A Different Flavor

In their conversations, gamers often focused on the intriguing campaign mode. This campaign offered a fresh perspective on the Call of Duty (COD) genre with its thrilling narrative structure and creative game mechanics. As Zealousideal_Use_400 noted, it was entertaining, even with its imperfections. The campaign took players on exhilarating space voyages, complete with orbital battles and hostile alien encounters, which differed greatly from the usual ground-based military conflicts. Instead of a typical war shooter, it felt more like a science fiction movie experience. It’s worth mentioning that some gamers felt the novelty of the narrative was overshadowed by the community’s desire for a return to traditional gameplay styles. This preference ultimately led to dissatisfaction with the expectations set beforehand.

Advanced Movement: The Double-Edged Sword

As a passionate gamer, I’ve often found myself reflecting on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – a game that sparked quite a debate among us gaming enthusiasts. You see, many felt that its advanced movement mechanics were a bit too much for the game’s reception, especially during a time when there was a strong demand for more realistic experiences in gaming.

Campaign Innovation vs. Community Expectations

One significant topic reflected in discussions about Infinite Warfare is the tension between new ideas and what the community expects. For instance, player ‘slayer-x’ admired earlier Infinity Ward CoD games for their imaginative themes and settings. The futuristic setting allowed for maps with gravity-defying elements, innovative multiplayer modes, and fresh ideas that deviated from traditional Call of Duty styles. However, the game faced a lot of criticism about its premise, which was frequently linked to nostalgia for the original, more conventional warfare settings. It seemed that this negative feedback hindered appreciation for the innovations. A common thought among players is that if Infinite Warfare had been launched earlier, it might have received a more positive response. Now, they question whether the community is ready to accept future innovations or if fear of change will continue to overshadow new projects.

It seems that Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, initially faced some confusion during its release, but is now being appreciated anew for its visual splendor and narrative depth. Despite the criticisms and high expectations from outside, the game stands tall with its bold ambition and creativity. It’s intriguing to revisit a game that was once met with skepticism at launch, yet now enjoys a dedicated fanbase eager to celebrate what sets it apart.

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2024-08-02 06:58