Exploring the Usefulness of the Lazarus Device in Pacific Drive: Players Weigh In

As a seasoned gamer with over 400 hours clocked in Pacific Drive, I can confidently say that the Lazarus Device is more of a novelty than a necessity. My gaming journey has been marked by skillful maneuvering, resource management, and a dash of luck. I’ve driven cars with no doors or panels, navigated treacherous landscapes, and even plummeted down cliffs (thanks to a careless pass). Yet, somehow, I’ve managed to avoid the need for a lifeline.

The game Pacific Drive has sparked debates among many gamers, focusing on diverse aspects of mechanics and tactics that either simplify or challenge gameplay. A contentious issue is the Lazarus Device, a power-up said to grant players a second chance in tough situations. Not too long ago, a Reddit user named Odd_Presentation_578 initiated a discussion about the device’s efficiency and relevance throughout their gaming experience. While some players strongly advocate for the device, others voice doubts, arguing it’s an excess feature in their inventory. This sparked a vibrant exchange of thoughts, strategies, and personal experiences on the subreddit, with numerous gamers contributing to the conversation.


  • Players have had mixed experiences and opinions regarding the Lazarus Device, with many claiming it is rarely needed.
  • Some gamers express that inventory space is at a premium, making the device’s slot usage questionable.
  • The discussion includes humorous anecdotes about survival situations that overshadow the need for the Lazarus Device.
  • Many seasoned players report dying very few times, undercutting the device’s perceived necessity.

The Lazarus Device: A Lifesaver or a Waste of Space?

Amongst forum discussions on the subreddit, it’s widely agreed that the Lazarus Device might be excess, particularly for experienced players who have mastered the game over countless hours. User Odd_Presentation_578 initiated this debate by questioning its utility, and responses poured in swiftly. User Awesomechainsaw shared their harrowing tales of damaged vehicles, detailing instances where they were left with “no doors, panels, or bumpers” and desperately hoping their vehicle’s ARC Doc battery would last. This sentiment echoes among players who prioritize managing their gear efficiently over relying on what seems like a contingency plan.

Inventory Space: The Real Tension in Pacific Drive

The conversation persisted among players, who stressed the need for effective item organization due to concerns about the Lazarus Device’s storage demands. Users such as legomann97 raised questions about its large size, arguing that it occupies a vital slot that could be used for essential items like repair tools or power boosters instead. Given the variety of methods for progressing in the game, these sentiments reflect a common annoyance: why use limited space on an item that appears to offer minimal benefits? Considering legomann97’s extensive 400+ hours spent playing, it makes sense that they would feel adept at handling obstacles without frequent character deaths.

Humorous Near-Death Experiences

Over time, during the conversation, players told amusing stories about close calls with death that happened while maneuvering through dangerous terrains. For example, doublecubed spoke about an incident where they accidentally steered the car off a cliff while passing a wall, highlighting the unexpected incidents that can happen in the game. Most of them pointed out that their deaths were mainly due to self-made disasters rather than the safety features of the device. This lighthearted humor shows how the community handles challenges in a laidback manner, with many stating that they usually feel triumph instead of fear even when confronted by potentially dangerous situations.

Missed Opportunities for a Lazarus Device?

Some players have shared that they didn’t find the Lazarus Device particularly useful in their gaming experience, with some admitting they only used it out of curiosity. For instance, Salty_Ambition_7800 mentioned he just wanted to see what it does. This suggests that some players might find that certain game features may not deliver the expected advantages. On the other hand, Think-Huckleberry897 boasted about never dying throughout an entire playthrough, implying the Lazarus Device might have been unnecessary for this player’s skill level. So, one wonders if the Lazarus Device is underutilized due to players’ skills or if it’s simply a superfluous upgrade in certain situations.

Discussions between players offer insights into a broader understanding of how Pacific Drive operates and where tools such as the Lazarus Device fit into the overall survival game strategy. The fact that players can endure high-risk situations without external aid highlights the importance of self-developed skills and readiness in stressful environments. Whether or not an expert player can play the game without using the Lazarus Device depends on their preferred style, making this tool a contentious aspect among players. However, through shared experiences and friendly banter, a clearer image arises: maybe it’s not the tool that determines survival in Pacific Drive, but the creativity and adaptability of the players who use it.

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2024-08-02 06:13