Persona 4 Rerelease: Community Wishlist Unveiled

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that Persona 4 is one of those rare games that has left an indelible mark on me. The original release took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and it’s been a staple in my gaming library ever since. So, when rumors of a potential remaster surfaced, I couldn’t help but join the buzzing community discussions.

Enthusiasts of the Persona series are abuzz with excitement over the possibility of a remastered version of Persona 4. This comes on the heels of the successful release of P3 Reload. A post by user Popplio3233 on a well-known forum outlines their expectations for what could be included in this alleged reissue. They, like many others, hope to see the Golden content accessible from the start, along with other improvements such as less repetitive boss fights and more transparent deadlines for dungeons. This post has resonated strongly within the community, sparking a flurry of passionate comments, both praising and critiquing various suggestions for the remaster.

Persona 4 rerelease wishlist
byu/Popplio3233 inPERSoNA


  • Fans have a clear wish list that emphasizes the inclusion of Golden content from the start.
  • There is a desire for re-balancing gameplay mechanics, particularly concerning boss battles.
  • The community overwhelmingly supports better planning tools for dungeon deadlines.
  • Responses highlight differing opinions, particularly regarding changes to the voice cast.

Golden Content is Non-Negotiable

“A rerelease must include the Golden content on day one because it’s not just an epilogue like The Answer.” This viewpoint is shared by many fans who think it would be unfair to make players replay large parts of the game just to access additional content. Since the remaster includes locations, character stories, and even the cherished winter semester, there is a general agreement within the community that the remastered version should offer a complete experience without requiring players to go through unnecessary steps.

Boss Battles Need an Overhaul

Numerous players have expressed their dissatisfaction about the challenging nature of the game’s boss battles, suggesting that these confrontations seem more like grueling endurance trials rather than exciting duels. User NewSoul96 brings up this issue by stating, “Only The Answer was made as DLC, and since P4 doesn’t have anything like that, it won’t be removed.” Despite accepting some level of difficulty, many players find it irritating that the game’s balance isn’t well-tuned, particularly when they are using top-notch gear. The calls for less health-absorbing bosses reflect a broader demand for improved gameplay that matches more recent games in the series.

Planning Tools Are a Must

One essential element of the wishlist involves improving navigation tools within the game, taking into account its time-sensitive characteristics. User Speedwagon1987 suggests incorporating features such as a map and phone with social link icons, which would be particularly beneficial for visually impaired players. These additions would greatly improve user experience by eliminating uncertainty about deadlines or crucial events, and instead encourage users to delve deeper into the story and character interactions.

Voice Cast Controversy

As a passionate fan, I’ve noticed an intriguing split in opinions about the voice cast of our beloved game. NeoKnightArtorias posed an intriguing question, “Are you actually asking for a new voice cast?” This query sparked a heated discussion among fellow enthusiasts. Some fans, like myself, are attached to the original voices, valuing their performances as priceless and unreplaceable. On the other hand, there are those who are open to change and eagerly anticipate fresh talent that might bring new dimensions to our favorite characters. This division underscores the profound emotional bonds we form with these digital personalities, emphasizing the impact voice actors can have on our gaming journey.

Amidst the buzz about a potential re-release of Persona 4, one point stands undeniable: fans are fiery and brimming with suggestions to enhance an already cherished game. Their enthusiasm underscores the game’s enduring influence, while their insightful criticisms and heartfelt pleas demonstrate the depth of their affection for the series. Whether Atlus heeds their advice is yet to be determined, but the conversations sparked by gamers have become a staple in video game culture, reflecting an active involvement that transcends the boundaries of the screen.

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2024-08-01 08:45