Gaming News: The Rise of ‘Help Me Choose’ Posts in Indie Game Development

As a seasoned indie game developer with over a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve seen the evolution of our community play out like a living, breathing organism. The recent influx of ‘Help me choose’ posts has undeniably sparked an interesting debate that touches upon the heart and soul of our creative pursuits.

Discussions about gaming news have been heating up among independent game developers lately, focusing on an uptick in queries for assistance with game aesthetics such as styles, themes, or color palettes. A Reddit post by user cobarso questions why so many creators seem unsure of their decisions, while some suspect these requests might be covert marketing tactics masquerading as genuine appeals for guidance. The conversation on the thread encompasses a range of frustrations, insights, and comical critiques related to this trend, highlighting its broader impact on the community.

Why so many “Help me/us choose” posts?
byu/cobarso inIndieDev


  • The community feels a mix of frustration and skepticism regarding ‘Help me choose’ posts, viewing many as low-effort marketing.
  • Some users suggest that these posts reflect analysis paralysis in developers, leading to indecision over minor details.
  • Others see these posts as opportunities for engagement, though they argue that the questions often lack substance.
  • The conversation highlights a concern that the focus on trivial details detracts from deeper, more meaningful discussions in game development.

Marketing Masquerade

Among gaming forums, an increase in posts seeking help with visual choices for games has sparked controversy, as some suspect these requests may be disguised marketing tactics. One user pointed out that these posts merely mask marketing with a thin layer of asking for advice: “They’re essentially marketing their product while pretending to seek advice… the options they present are almost identical.” Such posts, rather than being harmless inquiries, seem to burden developers with what was once a casual conversation. Critics argue that these posts are used more for engagement farming than fostering meaningful discussions about game development. This perception raises questions about whether this trend truly benefits the indie scene or simply inflates follower counts and visibility.

Analysis Paralysis

In this conversation, we’re observing a recurring question: whether some designers might experience what’s commonly known as “overthinking syndrome” or “analysis gridlock.” This condition arises when creators are overwhelmed by an abundance of options, even the smallest ones. The feedback received from multiple users suggests that these questions could be indicative of a difficulty in advancing beyond the decision-making phase: “These posts drive me crazy. There’s often little to no difference, and it makes the designers seem like they’re stuck in analysis gridlock over every minor detail of their game.” This observation implies that instead of gathering useful suggestions, some developers might be delaying their projects by concentrating too much on trivial aesthetic decisions rather than focusing on substantial development tasks. This raises a thought-provoking challenge: while it’s crucial to pay attention to artistic aspects in game design, excessive overthinking can hinder creativity.

Quality Over Quantity

Due to an overwhelming number of requests for assistance in making choices, it’s clear that high-quality discussions are essential. Some users have expressed a desire for stricter rules regarding the content of these requests, such as requiring developers to provide context about their decision-making process or encouraging more detailed conversations about design elements. For instance, they propose guidelines that ask developers to clearly state what they’re trying to decide and how their posted content contributes to that decision. By focusing on deeper discussions, the community can help foster a creative environment where solutions are shared rather than seeking validation for insignificant matters. On the other hand, others advocate for a more casual approach, arguing that these posts serve primarily to spark engagement and humor, regardless of their practical value.

The Indie Developer’s Journey

The challenge faced by independent developers, as expressed in numerous discussions, often revolves around converting technical abilities into artistic creations. Many developers find themselves in a predicament, wrestling with decisions about what to create and how it will unfold. The urge to seek outside opinions feels strikingly human. A common viewpoint shared among them is that these posts serve a dual purpose: documenting the development process and soliciting feedback, since coding can be either functional or non-functional, but artistic expression is subjective. This perspective highlights the fact that while developers might tease each other about the frequent posting of their work, there’s an underlying loop happening: developers seeking input to strengthen their ideas while navigating the unique challenges of independent creativity.


Essentially, the recurring ‘Help me decide’ posts serve as an intricate blend of creative expression, marketing tactics, and social interactions in the independent game development sector. Some view these posts as subtle promotional efforts, while others see them as a means to navigate the challenging landscape of creativity that can sometimes feel lonely and overwhelming. As developers strive for success, finding a balance between soliciting opinions and staying true to their own vision may lead to a more constructive and thriving gaming community conversation.

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2024-07-31 15:43