Enhancing Your Game: Improving Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Planner Experience

As a dedicated Team Fight Tactics (TFT) player, I wholeheartedly agree with the community’s call for an improved team planner experience. The current planner leaves much to be desired when it comes to finding and organizing units effectively within this complex game structure. With each new set release, the number of traits has grown exponentially, making it increasingly challenging for players like me to navigate through the clutter.

TFT players have been vocal about enhancing their experience with the team planner feature. In a recent post, user lGeaRl highlighted the difficulties in efficiently managing units within the existing game framework. With the addition of new sets and an increased number of traits (27 in Set 12), many find themselves struggling to keep up and are proposing creative ideas to streamline unit selection and make it more user-friendly. This topic has generated a lot of buzz, reflecting both enthusiasm and frustration within the player community about the planner’s current functionality.

IMPROVING TFT PLANNER EXPERIENCE: Find your units easier and faster.
byu/lGeaRl inTeamfightTactics


  • The community strongly supports the introduction of better filtering options in the team planner.
  • Players are frustrated by the lack of a simple search feature after 12 sets.
  • There are numerous practical suggestions to improve the user experience, including preset builds and trait lists.
  • Some express hope that these changes will make their experience more enjoyable as they engage with new sets.

Challenges with the Current Planner

1. In Team Fight Tactics (TFT), the issues players encounter with the current team planner are not minor concerns. A common criticism centers on the excessive visual clutter and insufficient intuitive sorting options when searching for particular units. As a player put it, “I genuinely appreciate the concept, but despite my best efforts in this current set, I still struggled to find the units I needed, and the new set seems even more challenging.” This sentiment echoes a broader trend where players, particularly beginners, can become overwhelmed by the numerous traits and units available.

Community Suggestions for Improvement

As a dedicated fan, I’ve been thrilled to see a wealth of creative ideas shared by fellow enthusiasts, all geared towards improving our beloved team planner. For instance, CosgoLasanya ingeniously suggested the creation of a “permanent trait list” that could be easily navigated, helping us recall which character is associated with what attribute. Similarly, Icy_Significance9035 humorously requested Rito to hire the original poster, highlighting their brilliant ideas. The overall sentiment among us reflects a strong yearning for features that simplify gameplay, making unit management less of a hassle.

Realistic Features for Better Gameplay

In a playful yet exasperated manner, numerous gamers are clamoring for a straightforward addition they’ve long yearned for: a search function. ScapingNature exclaimed, “For the love of all things digital, just give us a search bar! I can’t believe we’re 12 updates in and still no sign of it!” This outcry symbolizes the mounting agitation that has accumulated over time; gamers are urging developers to acknowledge that even basic user interface enhancements can significantly boost the gaming experience. Furthermore, suggestions for better management tools for emblems and items, essential aspects of the current gameplay strategy, have also been proposed.

Overall Sentiment and Community Spirit

Although there have been some criticisms about the present condition of the planner, the prevailing attitude among community members is positive and productive. For instance, Wiijimmy expressed eagerness for his ideas to be incorporated into the upcoming modifications. The inventiveness of the recommendations highlights a dynamic group that not only cherishes the game but aspires to enhance it. Numerous participants express profound gratitude for the collaboration and encouragement exchanged in these dialogues, creating an atmosphere brimming with teamwork and camaraderie.

1) It’s evident that Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players yearn for a more sophisticated team planning experience to streamline unit selection. As the community actively brainstorms solutions, it’s clear how passionate they are about optimizing their gameplay. Given the ingenuity already demonstrated by some members of the player base, one can only hope that Riot Games is attentive to these requests. Since tactics and team cohesion are vital in this game, a powerful planning tool could potentially tip the scales between winning and losing.

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2024-07-30 13:13