Exploring Taxation Mysteries in Manor Lords: Is It a Glitch or Strategy?

As an avid Manor Lords player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I find this ongoing debate about taxation and citizen approval ratings both intriguing and thought-provoking. The recent post by ‘Less-Witness-7101’ sparked a flurry of comments from the community, and I couldn’t help but join in on the discussion.

In the engaging city-building game Manor Lords, where history and strategy come together, a thought-provoking topic has emerged in its subreddit. User ‘Less-Witness-7101′ asked an intriguing question: can Manor Lords’ citizens be taxed at a shocking 100% rate without a decrease in approval? This query sparked a lively conversation, with players sharing their discoveries, opinions, and experiences regarding how taxes influence citizen satisfaction in this captivating medieval environment. As the community delved deeper into the implications of this potential bug or tactic, it became evident that taxation mechanics are an intriguing aspect worthy of further exploration.

Is this a glitch? I can tax my citizens 100% and get no change in approval rating…
byu/Less-Witness-7101 inManorLords


  • Players are confused about approval ratings in conjunction with taxation levels.
  • The community believes some approval-related mechanics may not be immediately apparent.
  • There are hints that taxation and wealth generation might be interdependent.
  • Some users shared personal strategies, indicating the game rewards attentive management.

Taxation in Manor Lords: A Double-Edged Sword

The heart of the discussion centers on tax collection methods in Manor Lords. Several users, including “Professional_Field54,” have noted that in-game approval ratings don’t show immediate consequences of taxation. Instead, disapproval may not affect citizen happiness until after taxes are collected, allowing players to levy high taxes without initial resistance. This aspect introduces a strategic dimension as players aim to amass income within a set timeframe while considering the eventual effects on approval.

Time and Approval Ratings: The Monthly Refresh

As a gamer, I’ve learned from fellow players ‘Zentti’ and ‘Annual-Cockroach-958′ that the approval ratings in our game get updated at the end of every month. It’s essential to be mindful of this as overtaxing citizens too much could lead to problems down the line if we don’t distribute taxes evenly across months. One player shared their experience of having a productive year but seeing their approval rating decline in subsequent years, highlighting the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective to effectively manage citizen satisfaction. This mechanic adds an extra layer of strategy as we must not only plan for our current revenue but also consider how each decision will impact our citizens’ approval ratings in future months.

Generational Wealth and Its Impact on Taxes

An important observation made by ‘Some-Bus9961’ is that the wealth of citizens and local economies are connected to the levels of their families in the game. It appears that families at level one generate very little wealth, implying that heavily taxing them won’t yield significant gains. This introduces an added dimension as players need to consider not only how much they tax but also how they develop their citizen families through investments and community advantages to eventually reach a stage where taxation becomes impactful. Consequently, the game presents a more nuanced challenge in managing taxes, but also the economic well-being of the entire community.

Strategies for Maintaining Citizen Approval

As players explore the complexities of taxation and public opinion in their virtual realm, it becomes apparent that particular tactics can improve the governing experience. A user wisely noted the connection between ‘tithes’ and taxes, suggesting that these two elements could influence citizen approval in opposite ways. To effectively govern, players must consider how each decision impacts their reputation as a ruler. Users such as ‘NeffAddict’ emphasize the significance of nurturing positive relationships with citizens while managing taxes, resulting in a more stable form of government. Through open communication and providing incentives alongside taxes, players can foster a more peaceful society.

In Manor Lords, taxation is a complex issue capturing the interest of players. Their intense involvement reveals the depth of their commitment to managing their virtual realms proficiently. Whether it’s an unintended flaw or a strategic puzzle yet to be solved, one fact remains: taxation in Manor Lords is anything but simple. The interplay between tax rates, popularity, wealth production, and family status results in a multifaceted system that demands mastery from every player. This complexity underscores the game’s sophisticated design, inspiring engaging debates and continuous exploration among its dedicated community.

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2024-07-29 20:44