Smite’s New Jungle Relic: Will the Summoner Spell Change the Game?

As an experienced Smite gamer with hundreds of hours under my belt, I am both excited and apprehensive about the upcoming “Sundering Arc” addition to the game. Having played League of Legends in the past, I’ve seen firsthand how a mechanic like this can drastically change the jungle role. The potential for increased strategic depth and character diversity is undeniably appealing, but the fear of another failed attempt at introducing a new relic looms large.

In an exciting turn of events, Smite, the trailblazing MOBA, is causing ripples once more with its recent update: the introduction of the “Sundering Arc,” a new relic reminiscent of the “Smite” summoner spell from League of Legends. User Unkn0wn-G0d sheds light on this intriguing development and its potential impact, especially for junglers.

So we are getting the „smite“ summoner spell from League of Legends – will this be a game changer for jungle?
byu/Unkn0wn-G0d inSmite


  • “Sundering Arc” brings a new dynamic to jungling in Smite, echoing League of Legends’ Smite spell.
  • Users debate the effectiveness of the new relic, with opinions split between excitement and skepticism.
  • The past use of similar mechanics suggests that players may revert to older strategies rather than embracing new ones.
  • Potential tactical versatility of the relic could encourage creativity in character builds and playstyles.

Mixed Reactions to Sundering Arc

The reaction among community members regarding the upcoming “Sundering Arc” is diverse. ZehGentleman voiced his doubts, expressing that it feels similar to a past feature called “Hand of the Gods,” which was primarily used for early game buffs but eventually lost its relevance. This raises questions about the value and originality of the upcoming addition. In contrast, Kall0p expressed optimism, believing that it offers a superior alternative to other irrelevant relics. It introduces strategic depth and benefits various roles effectively. The varying viewpoints underscore a larger debate about the game’s development and players’ willingness to embrace new mechanics.

Strategic Depth and Character Diversity

The community members who have adopted the concept express clearly that Sundering Arc holds significant strategic potential. Kall0p elaborates on this by explaining that based on the game’s current meta, this relic could address gaps left by previous mechanisms. For instance, if the game meta shifts towards tanky characters, the boost offered by Sundering Arc could be crucial for clearing early stages. Furthermore, Kall0p highlights the strategic complexity of the second jungler approach that supports can take with this new relic. This is especially true when gods who lack a blink ability could benefit from the utility of Sundering Arc, potentially enhancing their impact in early fights.

Balancing the New Mechanic

In contrast, many gamers acknowledge that equilibrium is essential for the new relic’s prosperity. YosemetySamuel argues that earlier jungler tactics leaned towards using Blink because of its mobility edge. This poses an intriguing challenge as Sundering Arc is introduced, causing a debate on how balance will be restored. “If this ability receives excessive enhancements, junglers might gain an unfair advantage, leading to uneven farming and objectives,” they caution—a significant reminder of the developer’s duty in ensuring fairness throughout the game. The way Hi-Rez manages this situation could decide whether Sundering Arc is embraced as a cherished addition or merely a fleeting fad.

The Future of Jungling in Smite

Discussions about the influence of the Sundering Arc on the jungle role in Smite are sparked by its potential impact, with Prowlzian proposing a thought-provoking question: “Why not reintroduce Hand of the Gods instead?” This acknowledges that not every new addition to the game meets expectations. To evaluate the Sundering Arc’s longevity, it’s crucial to consider if it lays a strong groundwork for gameplay or pushes players back towards outdated mechanics. Despite the debates, the community shows a willingness to adapt but insists on high-quality and strategic depth. As the game evolves with updates and community input, players will continue experimenting with the Sundering Arc and exploring its potential in creating intriguing gameplay experiences.

Smite continually surprises players with new content, keeping the game fresh and intriguing. The arrival of The Sundering Arc brings the promise of innovative experimentation, despite some divided opinions. As players analyze its impact on gameplay and balance in the jungle, you can almost sense the growing excitement within the community, eagerly awaiting the potential significance of this relic over its predecessors. With every update, Smite encourages players to adapt and grow, creating a captivating story that reflects the dynamic player-base and their reactions to change.

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2024-07-26 12:13