Skull and Bones: Do You Get Upgrade Parts Back When Selling a Fully Upgraded Ship?

As a dedicated fan of Skull and Bones, I find myself deeply engrossed in the ongoing debate surrounding ship sales and upgrade part reclamation. The recent post from Muted_Study5750 sparked my interest, as I too have grappled with similar decisions regarding my fleet. Upgrading ships is an essential aspect of this game, and the time and resources invested are often significant.

In the discussion among members of Skull and Bones, there’s been much debate over the marketplace sale of completely enhanced vessels and the possibility of recovering upgrade components. A recent post by user Muted_Study5750 poses the question of whether they can retrieve valuable upgrades after selling their brigantine, which they deemed less necessary compared to their sambuk. The post underscores the effort required to obtain these upgrades, as Muted_Study5750 is currently concentrating on enhancing a new ship, the Snow. As players grapple with the intricacies of managing and improving their ships, other players weigh in with their perspectives and tales of personal experience.

If you sell a fully upgraded ship, do you get the upgrade parts back?
byu/Muted_Study5750 inSkullAndBonesGame


  • The community is divided on the mechanics of selling ships and reclaiming upgrade parts in Skull and Bones.
  • Player experiences vary, showcasing the grind involved in accumulating necessary resources for upgrades.
  • There are concerns about the overall utility of specific ships leading to gameplay strategy adjustments.
  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of community knowledge-sharing about game mechanics.

Ship Upgrades and Their Importance

In the game “Skull and Bones,” enhancing your ship is essential for commanding the seas and gaining an edge over rivals. Players invest a great deal of effort and funds to prepare their ships for progressively challenging missions and battles with adversaries. For Muted_Study5750, they upgraded a brigantine only to realize it wasn’t robust enough against other vessels, leaving them questioning the value of their investment. Many players face similar dilemmas, striving to maximize both efficiency and versatility in the game. It’s a fine line where incorrect ship selection could result in wasted resources or insufficient firepower during pivotal moments. Players often choose specific vessel types depending on their preferred combat strategies, while others opt for what suits their playstyle best.

Fan Reactions to Selling Ships

In reply to Muted_Study5750’s question, the responses from players showed great diversity. Cruzin_28 shared their intention, saying “I’ll find out in a few days, but I plan on testing it once I reach the upgrade limit.” Their determination to uncover the truth reflects the strong bond and thirst for knowledge among community members. On the other hand, juiceman730 gave a clear-cut response, stating “I don’t believe so, only for armor/weapons/furniture.” This underscores the annoyance many players experience while dealing with the game’s complexities, as ambiguity can fuel distrust towards in-game choices. The community’s dedication to understanding the intricacies of the game makes discussions like these a valuable learning resource and an outlet for players seeking clarification on ship management issues.

The Grind: A Double-Edged Sword

As a gamer, I can’t help but notice how frequently the topic of acquiring upgrade parts comes up in our community thread. It seems like an endless cycle of gathering resources and investing time to fully upgrade my ships. And let me tell you, there are nights where I’ve spent hours sailing the seas only to be faced with the daunting task of managing multiple ships. For newbies joining us, the sheer number of options can feel overwhelming, especially when trying to decide which ship to invest in first. Upgrade parts are often the limiting factor in advancing my fleet, leaving many of us feeling frustrated with the game’s progression pace. But despite this shared frustration, it brings us together as a community. We rally around each other, sharing tips on efficient resource collection routes and manufacturing strategies. The goal is to make the grind a little easier for everyone.

Utility of Various Ships: The Great Debate

Players, including Muted_Study5750, frequently reassess the performance of their ships by opting for different types, such as switching from a brigantine to a sambuk for improved DPS. In this game where ship battles significantly impact success, it’s normal for players to adapt according to their requirements. Some may feel disappointed after investing in a specific ship type only to discover it underperforms in battle situations, prompting them to reconsider their tactics. Discussions among players reveal frustration with perceived imbalances between various ship types, which can result in lopsided gameplay experiences. Players believe that while each ship boasts unique abilities, the brigantine often falls short, encouraging the exploration of alternative choices that offer greater value. This continuous debate on the most effective ship contributes an engaging layer to the game, highlighting the complex strategy needed to maximize fleet potential.

In this Skull and Bones conversation, the dialogue goes beyond asking about upgrade pieces; it showcases the group’s passion for deciphering the intricacies of sailing management and enhancement. Each post carries a mix of questions, grievances, and viewpoints, fueling the sense of companionship among gamers. As these talks persist, it becomes evident that players aren’t merely dealing with Skull and Bones’ uncertain waters but also grappling with the challenges of tactics, resource allocation, and adjusting to a game that never stays the same. The r/SkullAndBonesGame community threads demonstrate the strong bond within the gaming community, embodying their collaborative endeavor to master the seas, one ship improvement at a time.

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2024-07-26 09:14