Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

As a seasoned adventurer who has faced countless challenges and foes, I can confidently say that the Thunder Sprite is by far the most vexing adversary I have encountered in my journey through Lost Castle 2. With her shield and relentless barrage of lightning and thunder attacks, she leaves little room for error or respite.

Starting July 25, 2024, Early Access for Lost Castle 2 goes live on Steam! Excited fans of the original game won’t want to miss this new installment. In this comprehensive guide for Lost Castle 2, discover strategies to conquer each boss, earn every achievement, and locate essentials such as the Stylist and ingredients for your Amulet’s Mixtures.

Additional Guides

Where to find more Alchemy Elixir (Health) in Lost Castle 2

All potions and what they do – Lost Castle 2

Best Ethereal Treasures Tier List – Lost Castle 2

Best Weapons Tier List – Lost Castle 2

Camp Upgrades Tier List – Best Camp Upgrades in Lost Castle 2

Lost Castle 2 Overview

What is Lost Castle 2?

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

In simpler terms, Lost Castle 2 is a follow-up to the 2016 game, Lost Castle, which is a 2D action game with rogue-lite elements and beat-’em-up style combat. Unlike many games, when you die in this adventure, you don’t get another chance to start from where you left off. Instead, you go back to the beginning of your journey, keeping all the money you earned along the way.

In this game, you’ll need to progress by completing adventures to obtain superior armor and weapons. Along the way, you’ll encounter zombies, stone golems, and other foes armed with bows and knives. Fear not, as you’ll be able to employ your own brand of combat tactics to deal with the smaller enemies. However, the larger adversaries will necessitate quick thinking and strategic planning before they unleash powerful attacks that could send you reeling.

Surprisingly, I find Lost Castle 2 having a comforting atmosphere. It’s likely the game design that gives off this feeling to me, though it may seem contradictory considering its large scissor-wielding boss, an unlikely mascot for safety instructions.

Lost Castle 2 Trailer

What is the release date for Lost Castle 2?

Lost Castle 2 was released for Early Access on Steam on July 25, 2024.

How much does Lost Castle 2 cost?

As a gamer, I’d put it this way: The price for Lost Castle 2 in my gaming store is set at a cool $14.99 USD. But get this, during the initial release, there was an exclusive Early Access offer that gamers like me could grab for just $13.49 USD. What a steal!

What platforms is Lost Castle 2 available on?

The sequel to Lost Castle, titled Lost Castle 2, is exclusively offered on Steam at present. However, it’s worth mentioning that its prequel, simply named Lost Castle, was eventually released on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch platforms. Given its gameplay mechanics, Lost Castle 2 appears particularly suitable for the Nintendo Switch.

Is Lost Castle 2 multiplayer?

In simpler terms, Lost Castle 2 allows up to four players, including yourself, to join forces and enjoy the experience together online. Each person needs their own copy of the game. However, you’re also welcome to go solo if that’s your preference.

Does Lost Castle 2 work on Steam Deck?

At the moment, we don’t have any news if Lost Castle 2 has been verified for Steam Deck. Check back here for updates once it becomes available.

Are there Twitch Drops for Lost Castle 2?

At the moment, we don’t have any details if Lost Castle 2 supports Twitch Drops. Check back here for updates.

What is the Discord link for Lost Castle 2?

You won’t find a direct link for Lost Castle 2, but you’re welcome to participate in the Discord community run by its creators, Neon Doctrine. Fans and the publisher have been sharing updates about the game there.

What are the accessibility features for Lost Castle 2?

You have the flexibility to toggle between keyboard and controller input, as well as customize key/button assignments for a personalized gaming experience. Furthermore, subtitles can be activated, and difficulty levels can be adjusted between easy and challenging settings.

Do you need to use a controller for Lost Castle 2?

Using a keyboard and mouse is an option for playing Lost Castle 2, but based on my experience of trying out both methods, I personally suggest opting for a controller instead. The gameplay feels more fluid with a controller in hand, making it a more enjoyable experience. Notably, the developers also endorse using a controller.

How to change your avatar’s appearance

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As a gamer, I can tell you that you have the freedom to customize your avatar’s look from the get-go in this game. But if you feel like mixing things up and changing your hairstyle, hair color, eye color, or any other feature later on, simply approach the Stylist when you’re hanging out at camp before or after an adventure.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

At the base of the campsite, facing away from the bubbling cauldron, you’ll come across The Stylist. Interacting with him will transport you back to the character customization menu from the game’s beginning, enabling you to make as many adjustments to your appearance as desired.

How to change your weapon drop preferences

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

To avoid setting off on an expedition with a full arsenal of all six kinds of in-game weapons, simply adjust your weapon selection preferences at the camp prior to departure.

To switch up the weapons you get during your journey, talk to Serena the Blacksmith while you’re at camp. She’s located next to the blonde NPC with bunny ears. Her hair is mint green, and she always wears a hood.

Having spent countless hours on the battlefield and faced numerous adversaries, I strongly suggest that you choose a minimum of three distinct types of weapons from the given list. However, life in the wild can be unpredictable, and flexibility is key to survival. So, feel free to alter your weapon selections whenever you return to camp.

How to upgrade your weapon

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As a gamer, I need to find an Ethereal Furnace to enhance my weapon. During my journey, I can discover these special furnaces in the merchant district. They are identified by having an orange crystal at their center within a circular formation.

To utilize the Ethereal Furnace, you’ll have to pay with Iron Ingots. Obtain these by disassembling weapons, armor, and other items found at the conclusion of each region.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

When I begin my journey in this game, I’ll need to spend 70 Iron Ingots for the first weapon upgrade. The next upgrade will set me back by 100 Iron Ingots, and the price keeps climbing with each subsequent upgrade. It would be wise for me to choose my preferred weapon before upgrading it, considering the significant cost involved.

How to enchant your weapon

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As a gamer, I’d describe it like this: To imbue my weapon with ethereal magic, I need to seek out an Ethereal Enchantment Device. The elusive first instance of this device lies in the mountains, so until I reach that location on the map, I won’t be able to enchant any weapons.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Charming weapons come with a price in Iron Ingots, and each weapon can bear a maximum of three charms or enhancements. If you wish to add another charm, you’ll first need to remove an existing one.

It costs 20 Iron Ingots to enchant a weapon.

How to use Alchemy Mixtures

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After defeating a monster-infested zone, you may come across elusive Alchemy Potions. Due to their scarcity, there are merely eleven of them to be found in total.

Discovering an Alchemy Mixture in a hidden hoard, you bring it back to your campsite to expand your personal stash.

As a seasoned adventurer with years of experience under my belt, I can tell you that having the right Mixtures at hand is crucial for overcoming various challenges in your journey. To make the most of these potions, simply place them in your trusty Alchemy Amulet before embarking on your adventure.

How to change the Mixture in your Alchemy Amulet

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To modify your Alchemy brew, return to your campsite. Look for the cauldron situated in the camp’s heart and engage with it. Alternatively, you can approach the nearby Alchemist and interact with him; he will show you the same list of your potions.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

In the start of your journey, you may only possess, and therefore can only employ, a single Alchemy Mixture.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

In simpler terms, to use your Amulet in the menu, simply choose it and a green dot will indicate selection on the Mixture.

To expand the capacity of your Alchemy Amulet to store multiple Mixtures, you will have to invest in certain camp upgrades.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

I’d recommend this: In the heart of the camp enhancement interface, focus on refurbishing the Alchemist’s Hut first. Afterward, work your way up by enhancing the diverse items, reaching the third row. This tier boasts two Expanded Amulet enhancements, enabling me to carry a maximum of three potions in my Alchemy Amulet simultaneously.

How to beat all bosses in Lost Castle 2

Defeating any of these bosses in Lost Castle 2 via Steam grants you an achievement.

For every boss, there’s a unique irritating method of assault, ranging from charging with scissors to hurling massive boulders. With the following tips as your guide, you’ll be prepared for each boss’s attack patterns and strategies to emerge victorious.

How to beat the Goblin Champion

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

The Goblin Champion deals significant damage and poses a formidable challenge. You’ll encounter boulders crashing down, a relentless adversary that can knock you off your feet if you cross its path, and much more.

It’s fortunate that the Goblin Champion’s destruction follows a set routine. He will pound the ground in the previous location you were in, performing this action twice. To evade, simply roll away or move beyond his thumping reach (which is immediately adjacent to the Goblin Champion).

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Listening for those thumps, prepare to dodge as the Goblin Champion jumps towards you, landing with a large marking spot. Keep still until you see him make his leap, then swiftly roll away from the impact zone.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Afterwards comes the challenging part: Purple marks on the ground signify approaching rocks. Simultaneously, the Goblin Champion will rush towards you. To bypass both occurrences, steer clear of the rock target zones and dodge in the opposite direction when the Goblin Champion is about to reach you. It may take a few attempts to master the timing, but don’t take too long or risk dying sooner than intended.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

As a seasoned adventurer, I’ve faced many formidable foes in my travels, but few have tested my mettle like the Goblin Champion. With three charges, he slams into you with unyielding force, his head held high. But this brief moment of vulnerability is all we’ve got. Once he hits the ground, he’ll quickly regain his feet and the cycle begins anew. I’ve learned to make every attack count during these fleeting seconds, for failure to strike true means another brutal assault from the relentless goblin titan.

The Goblin Champion can be attacked at various points in time. My recommendation would be during his pauses between attacks. Additionally, you’ll encounter small goblin minions that he summons, but they’re not difficult to eliminate.

How to beat the Mad Gardener

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in the world of video games, I can tell you that the Mad Gardener is a unique boss character. Contrary to what one might expect from his menacing appearance and erratic behavior while wielding those scissors, I’ve found him to be the simplest foe to conquer in my gaming adventures.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

The Mad Gardener goes through two distinct phases: the initial one is disorganized and unpredictable. Be cautious and coordinate your assaults properly to avoid being hit by his spinning scissor attacks or his scissor charge. Keep a safe distance from his scissors, as getting too close, like in the screenshot provided, can result in being ensnared in his attack.

To prevent being assaulted by the Mad Gardener, dodge to the side he’s not heading toward when he approaches you instead.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Once his health points are completely depleted, he will regain it by sprouting toxic blooms instead.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

During his assaults, there are occasional pauses when he takes a break; these occur following a continuous stream of spitting poison in your direction and saturating the surrounding area.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

When I see him visibly wilting and coming to a standstill, that’s my cue to unleash all my strength and go on the offensive.

While the Gardener is busy releasing poison through the flowers, seize the opportunity to sneak up behind him and launch surprise attacks. Be quick with your blows, dodge any counterattacks, and keep moving constantly. Essentially, you should aim to evade the Gardener’s poisonous flowers while taking advantage of his momentary distraction.

How to beat the Forest Guardian

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To beat the Forest Guardian, you’re going to need to be fast.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

In addition to pounding the ground with their hammer, the Forest Guardian generously spreads poison around the vicinity.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Having spent countless hours immersed in the world of gaming, I can tell you that taking down the Forest Guardian was no easy feat. With two primary tactics at my disposal – bombs and charge attacks – I knew I had to use them wisely. The stakes were high, and I wasn’t about to let poisonous tendrils hinder my progress. So, I took a deep breath, braced myself, and hurled a bomb into the fray.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

When the Forest Guardian launches poison attacks, it’s an ideal moment to retaliate with charge attacks instead. For enhanced effectiveness, try maneuvering around to their non-poisonous side during the attack.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

When the Forest Guardian’s health is reduced by half, it will transform and intensify its poison attacks. Focus your assault on the poisonous bulbs situated at the tree’s base, on both sides.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Once you remove the toxic bulbs, the Forest Guardian will cause tree roots to grow rapidly around the area as a warning. Stay clear of them to avoid being trapped.

In the final stages of the battle, it becomes more about relentless hammer blows and toxic substance throws. Evade, hurl projectiles and/or advance, then repeat this process until the tree is defeated.

How to beat The Last Guardian

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The Last Guardian wields a gigantic sword, so get your dodging button ready.

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No, literally, because he’ll just charge at you with it the second the intro to the fight is done.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

In addition to attacking with charges, The Last Guardian can also swing his sword downwards, to the side, and in a circular motion. It’s simple to avoid these attacks by keeping clear of their path.

During the brief gap between a character performing a charge attack and a whirlwind attack, you have an opportunity to hurl a bomb at them or strike with quick melee attacks. If you’re wielding a melee weapon, move in and then swiftly retreat.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Another significant threat comes from The Last Guardian unleashing a surge of power, which sweeps across the battlefield in red zones. Avoid these areas to ensure your safety.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Finally, watch out for hoards of zombies.

To defeat The Last Guardian, align your assaults with the gap between his charging and whirlwind attacks. This interval provides the optimal opportunity for defeating him.

How to beat the Mutated Priest

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During the upcoming boss battle, you’ll encounter three distinct monster types: zombie minions, red-robed summoners, and tree hurlers. Frequently, you’ll go up against two summoners and a tree-hurler simultaneously.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

After the first set of zombies, the Priest summons a tree-thrower, and then the summoners.

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During the fight, the Mutated Priest will alternate summoning monsters and performing physical attacks. He’ll hurl rocks and smash one hand against the ground as warnings for these actions. Give yourself ample time to dodge these attacks by keeping a keen eye out.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

At times, red explosives may show up in the location, which you can collect and hurl at the Mutated Priest for added effect. But dealing greater harm is achievable by targeting his left hand, situated at the bottom right corner of the area. It’s uncommon to sustain injuries there, unless a monster manages to tag along with you.

Hop back and forth at this location, launching attacks with bombs, and eliminating other monsters in the process. Since there isn’t a second phase for the Mutated Priest, you’ll triumph over him shortly.

How to beat “Alchemist” Eugene and “Mad Dog” Bobby

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

“The alchemist Eugene and the rough character Bobby make for an unusual duo in a battle. Confronting two leaders instead of one could appear more challenging than it truly is.”

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

When Eugene hurls toxic elixirs about, forming pools wherever they land, Bobby instead rushes forward and backward in a seemingly straightforward manner. However, the apparent ideal objective is Bobby, while it’s more advantageous to eliminate Eugene prior to this.

To exclude Eugene from the situation, avoid his toxic influence and attack him unexpectedly from behind. He never stops moving, but occasionally tugs Bobby closer to him, so be prepared for a charge following this action.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Heed this alert: Towards the close of Eugene’s health points, he’ll hurl a succession of potions in your direction. Be sure to move swiftly.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Once Eugene is dead, Bobby gets even madder, and transforms.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

He’ll hurl streams of rocks and flames toward you. He performs this action a few times before standing still. Use this pause to attack him vigorously. You might consider hitting other parts of him as well, but his erratic movements make it risky to do so. Similar to other bosses, there is a chance for success in striking them at their weak points, but the danger of retaliation is high.

When I battled Bobby, it appeared that his fire ability caused self-harm, leaving him with only a small amount of health remaining. Despite this, he unleashed another burst of flames, ultimately resulting in his defeat. Be cautious about this in your own journey.

How to beat the Crystal Devourer

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How to beat the Behemoth

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The Behemoth is an intimidating fight, but there is a trick to beating it. A few, actually.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

To avoid the falling rocks, you must be quick and press the dodge button frequently. Simultaneously, keep an eye out for dropping pink orbs. From past experiences in the mountains, you understand that neglecting these orbs can lead to the spawning of rock monsters, which are time-consuming to defeat. Thus, it’s best to address them promptly during this mission.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Instead of aiming for the Behemoth’s massive body, try to seize a few nearby rocks and hurl them at the crystalline core glowing in its heart. Trust me, you’ll notice the lights around that center illuminating brightly – that’s where the Behemoth’s vulnerability lies.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

In addition to pink balls, there will also be rare instances of throwing spiky blue stones.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

When you can, get close enough to hit the Behemoth a few times to speed up this process.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

If an opponent refuses to be defeated, keep weaving around obstacles and pelting them with projectiles. Eventually, they’ll tire out and succumb, allowing for maximum harm to be inflicted.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Regrettably, upon reviving, the Behemoth will unleash a series of formidable assaults. You’ll be forced to move to the opposite side of the arena, endure being pelted with rocks a few more times, and then brace yourself for an onslaught of numerous rocks raining down on you relentlessly. It’s extremely challenging to evade this barrage during its concluding phase since the rocks descend three times consecutively.

Based on my personal experience as a seasoned adventurer, I would encourage you to stay resilient and keep pushing forward despite setbacks. The situation may seem repetitive with slight variations, but rest assured that each encounter presents an opportunity for growth and improvement. Be on the lookout for any openings or gaps in the defense, and if necessary, use your agility to dodge potential threats. Remember, every challenge we face molds us into stronger individuals. So, let’s get back up, brush off the dust, and continue our attack with renewed determination.

How to beat the Thunder Sprite

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

From my perspective, the Thunder Sprite poses the greatest challenge among all bosses due to her protective shield and frequent use of lightning and thunder magic to keep attackers at bay.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

You need to avoid every glowing blue circle, every lightning strike, and every red target circle.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

Occasionally, you’ll come across diamond-shaped crystals in your encounter with the Thunder Sprite. Although these crystals are among the few means to harm her, the Thunder Sprite still summons them. Seize the opportunity and hurl these crystals at her whenever you manage to break through her shield.

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

When her defense is lowered (which costs two diamond crystals), the battle becomes significantly more frenzied. If you encounter any Ethereal Treasures capable of resurrecting you upon death – like the Rebirth Amulet – be sure to acquire them, as you’ll likely perish during this confrontation.

Keep tossing the diamond crystals at her whenever you can – she may lift them up to avoid being hit from time to time.

Be mindful of her sudden rush toward you, followed by a knockdown attack. If you fail to evade this move, not only will you be knocked down but also subjected to a lightning strike.

In the next phase of the battle, she unleashes stronger assaults. Continue hurling crystals at her and employing charge attacks to maintain a safe distance.

    Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievementsLost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

As a seasoned gamer with hundreds of hours spent battling mythical creatures in various game worlds, I’ve learned that patience and strategy are key to defeating formidable foes like the Thunder Sprite. Her ultimate attack may cover almost the entire area in lightning, but it’s crucial not to get caught in those circles. Instead, I recommend finding a safe spot on the outskirts and waiting for her to tire herself out before making your move. Trust me, this approach has saved me from countless defeats in the past. Once she’s taken a much-needed rest, feel free to unleash your most powerful attacks. And don’t worry, she’ll eventually regain her shield during this period of respite. So stay calm, bide your time, and watch as the Thunder Sprite meets her match!

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

In the third phase, you’ll encounter three rows of bolts of electricity moving through the zone. Dodge between them, and continuously hurl crystals and assault until you vanquish the Thunder Sprite. I’m unable to provide additional guidance beyond that. Best of luck to you.

How to beat the Wandering Knight

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How to beat the Demon Sealer

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What to do when you beat the final boss in Lost Castle 2

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All Achievements in Lost Castle 2

Lost Castle 2 Walkthrough – All bosses and achievements

As an avid player of Lost Castle 2 on Steam, I’ve discovered there are 28 exciting achievements to unlock. To add these badges of honor to my collection, here’s what I need to do:

  • Enter Camp.
  • Collect 20 Treasure.
  • Collect 50 Treasure.
  • Collect 80 Treasure.
  • Collect 20 Weapons.
  • Collect 50 Weapons.
  • Collect 80 Weapons.
  • Defeat the Goblin Champion in the Dark Forest.
  • Defeat the Mad Gardener in the Dark Forest.
  • Defeat the Forest Guardian in the Dark Forest.
  • Defeat The Last Guardian at the Ruined Cemetery.
  • Defeat the Mutated Priest at the Ruined Cemetery.
  • Defeat Alchemist Eugene and Mad Dog Bobby at the Ruined Cemetery.
  • Defeat Crystal Devourer at Crystal Mountain
  • Defeat Behemoth at Crystal Mountain.
  • Defeat the Angry Thunder Spirit at the Crystal Mountain (this is the Thunder Sprite).
  • Defeat Wandering Knight at the Castle Bridge.
  • Defeat Steward the Demon Sealer at the Main Castle.
  • Enter the Main Castle.
  • Start an adventure in multiplayer mode.
  • Win the game on Hard mode.
  • Win the game using Bows.
  • Win the game using Dual Blades.
  • Win the game using Turbo Lances.
  • Win the game using Single-Handed Weapons.
  • Win the game using Two-Handed Weapons.
  • Win the game using Staffs.
  • Save Nia.

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2024-07-25 16:24