Final Fantasy: Should I Beat FFX Before Starting FFX-2?

As a long-time Final Fantasy fan with over two decades of gaming experience under my belt, I’ve faced the same dilemma that many players encounter: should I finish Final Fantasy X before starting FFX-2?

For supporters of Final Fantasy, there’s a dilemma: should they complete Final Fantasy X or start with X-2? The question is whether to endure the late-game material or begin a fresh journey.

Should I beat FFX before starting FFX-2?
byu/NewPlayerWhoThis inFinalFantasy


  • Celestial weapons can be a grind, but they may overpower you for the final boss.
  • FFX-2 heavily references FFX, making it beneficial to have finished it.
  • Watching the ending of FFX before starting X-2 is recommended for continuity.

Celestial Weapons Dilemma

Some gamers hold the view that celestial weapons aren’t necessary for finishing a game. They believe that the time and energy required to obtain these weapons isn’t worth the payoff. As an illustration, a user named Misragoth shares this perspective, stating that these weapons don’t add enough value to justify the effort, and instead encourages players to concentrate on completing the game without them.

Connections Between FFX and X-2

Players often recommend completing Final Fantasy X (FFX) before starting on X-2 because many elements in X-2 rely heavily on the events and characters from FFX. According to ObjectiveVolume8161, understanding these references enriches the experience of playing X-2.

Advice on Game Completion

Some players advocate for prioritizing the main story over optional quests when completing a game. For instance, Top_Taro_17 stresses the significance of wrapping up X before moving on to X-2, asserting that one can still relish the game without finishing every optional task.

In the end, whether to wrap up Final Fantasy X first and then start FFX-2 or not depends on individual tastes. For some gamers, the thrill of obtaining celestial weapons and finishing every optional quest is irresistible. Others prefer focusing on the storyline. Both paths lead to a rewarding experience within the intricately woven world of Final Fantasy.

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2024-07-23 17:58