Deep Rock Galactic: To Drill or Not to Drill – The Great Doretta Debate

As a seasoned Deep Rock Galactic player, I’ve seen both sides of the pre-drilling debate. My personal experience has shown me that while there are certainly benefits to pre-drilling, it ultimately depends on your team composition and strategy.

Among Deep Rock Galactic enthusiasts, there’s a longstanding argument: should you drill ahead of time or not? This dispute revolves around the productivity and importance of pre-drilling during tasks, as some gamers argue for its benefits to the overall experience while others reject it.

byu/MellowQueen_Shy_Doll inDeepRockGalactic


  • Pre-drilling can be helpful for securing success, especially on higher difficulty missions.
  • The efficiency of pre-drilling varies depending on the team’s composition and strategy.
  • Some players find pre-drilling exhausting and prefer to jump straight into the action.

Karma0617 on Efficiency

According to Karma0617, it’s generally not beneficial to proceed unless you receive some valuable information in the initial area. This underscores the significance of being flexible and open to new information during missions.

smellyscrote on Strategic Value

“On hazard level 5 and expert dives, almost no use is required for pre-drilling, according to smellyscrote. Merely staying alive is a feat in itself. But maintaining Doretta’s survival? That’s the true test of strategy,” smellyscrote highlighted.

Wheat_Grinder’s Quick Finish

“Wheat_Grinder prefers taking on the role of the driller in these situations since he gets to skip the pre-drilling process, allowing us to complete the mission more swiftly,” he explained with a unique perspective on mission execution.

3Rocketman’s Eye-roll

“My friend insists on drilling ahead of time every time we tackle that mission, even though it’s only hazard 4. I can’t believe it’s necessary to mine nitra with Doretta in such a hurried way,” 3Rocketman expressed his disagreement with the frequent pre-drilling.

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2024-07-22 20:58