Who’s the Grossest in The Boys Finale?

As a longtime fan of The Boys, I’ve grown accustomed to the show’s unapologetic portrayal of moral complexity and grimy realism. But this season has taken things to a whole new level of grime, and no character embodies that more than Butcher.

In every episode of “The Boys” on Prime Video, there are plenty of disturbing moments. Some depict graphic violence and sexual content. Others show characters stepping over moral, personal, and ethical lines. Despite the fact that everyone in this ultraviolent, satirical superhero series has questionable behavior at times – be it through their actions or their motives – some characters take things to a whole new level of wrongdoing.

As a long-time fan of The Boys, I’ve grown accustomed to the unpredictable twists and gory mayhem that comes with each season. But the penultimate episode of this fourth season took it to a whole new level, keeping me on the edge of my seat until the very last second (and even during the credits!).

Kimiko (tie)

Frenchie (tie)

As a film enthusiast, I’d put it this way: The unique charm of “The Boys” lies in its unexpected pairing as the final season unfolds – a redeeming criminal with a drug addiction and a refugee mass-murderer from a violent revolutionary group. It’s an intriguing contrast that keeps you hooked, but what truly warms my heart is when these two unlikely souls share a heartfelt kiss after four seasons of palpable tension. Kimiko finally admits her long-hidden feelings for her best friend, and they embrace in a beautiful moment of happiness. However, the sweetness of their ending is short-lived as the episode continues, leaving you with a mix of emotions.

Hughie (tie)

Starlight (tie)

If the power couple from “The Boys” ranks slightly higher than The Boys’ other pair, it’s due to two factors: (1) They have been a couple for an extended period, reducing the novelty of their relationship, and (2) A significant portion of their interactions in this episode revolve around Starlight being disgusted by Hughie’s unintentional sexual encounters with the shape-shifter disguised as her. Nevertheless, their determination as a couple is commendable. In an unusual display of affection, “You are getting tested for every disease known to mankind” translates to “I will love you forever.” Despite the violence they have experienced and inflicted, they share a common goal of creating a less violent world, a notion that appears unlikely in the world of “The Boys.”

Mother’s Milk

Marvin holds up well for the benefit of his team and indeed the whole world, demonstrating strong leadership despite occasional lapses. His resilience shines through during challenging times in the current season. He is an unyielding pillar of strength.


In the finale, Victoria’s daughter quickly retreats after exposing her tentacles, mainly just tagging along. However, we’re aware of her formidable abilities. It’s plausible that residing at the Red River Institute will only worsen her behavior.


Victoria, who had been hiding her superpowers, was publicly exposed as a “supe” on national television and horrified by Homelander’s malevolent intentions. Though she may have acted out of fear or desperation before, Victoria makes a valiant attempt at reforming herself after her revelation. Sadly, this chance for redemption is tragically cut short when she meets her end at the hands of the villainous Butcher. Rest in peace.

Ashley II (tie)

Simpering Vought Writer (tie)

Another way to phrase this in simpler and clearer language: The other Ashley and the author, who must live to tell the tale (literally), struggle to impress the Deep with their self-perceived greatness. It’s a tall order, but given Vought’s standards, they are essentially blameless bystanders in Homelander’s violent campaign.

Adam Bourke

As a seasoned film industry insider with years of experience under my belt, I can tell you that studio decisions are rarely made based on artistic integrity alone. In fact, profitability often takes center stage in the decision-making process. So, while it’s understandable to be concerned about Vought’s go-to director’s supposed change of heart regarding the shelved project “Saving A-Train,” we can’t jump to conclusions just yet.

Dakota Bob

Dakota Bob, representing typical behavior, straddles various sides of an issue and withholds truth from the public for personal gain. Those in Washington, aren’t they just trying to enrich themselves while opposing a Vought-aligned faction that aims to transform the US into a dictatorship under Homelander’s control? The notion that both parties are identical seems quite accurate!

Grace Mallory

Grace’s frozen demeanor thaws around Ryan in an instant. It’s heartwarming to witness. However, Ryan may have a point when he suspects Grace is exploiting him, much like her own past exploiters. Yet, she might want to tread more carefully when sharing the gruesome details of Ryan’s background. While there could be no sugarcoating the truth (“Your mother didn’t care for your father and was sexually abused by him”), Grace deserves a future free from such chaos.


Each week, Ashley excels on the chart due to her apparent moral decay and readiness to go to any lengths to maintain her lead at Vought. However, her need to survive eventually replaced her desire to just stay ahead. While she may not be considered good, much of what she does is no longer under her control. In this episode, it’s her desperate attempt to save herself that leads her to take drastic measures. She injects herself with Compound V, and although we only catch a brief glimpse of the consequences, they don’t seem pleasant at all. There’s no solace to be found in soothing music like Dave Matthews’ tunes for Ashley in this situation.

Ghost of Joe Kessler

Joe Kessler, who passed away late, shouldn’t be held solely responsible for his genocidal plans. He himself admits that he embodies Butcher’s most disturbing tendencies. Nevertheless, this doesn’t make him a pleasant character. (Becca, the Ghost, continues to be noticeably missing.)


As a seasoned television critic with over a decade of experience dissecting complex narratives, I can tell you that Sage’s role in the events leading to the season finale is a classic example of indirect responsibility. She may not have wielded the weapon or pulled the trigger, but her actions set off a chain reaction that led to bloodshed and chaos.


As a movie lover, I’ve grown accustomed to Firecracker’s hidden prejudices and her unwavering admiration for Homelander. However, her deteriorating health adds an unsettling layer to the storyline. The modifications she made to prepare milk for Homelander, which occasionally included a distinctive cilantro flavor, appear to be causing more harm than good. The direction this series takes next season is shaping up to be anything but pleasant. For now, all we can hear are her ominous coughs and the rumblings of impending turmoil on the horizon.


In this episode, Ryan, a pair of complex characters, transgress moral boundaries. He’s a young man grappling with newfound abilities and torn between two influential figures in his life. However, he makes a fateful decision – one of violence. This is not the typical brutality you’d expect from “The Boys.” Instead, Ryan takes the life of Grace, who nurtured him and had only his best interests at heart, as long as they aligned with her goals. The chilling expression Ryan gives Butcher while standing over Grace’s body mirrors Homelander’s arrogant, I-am-above-the-law gaze. This moment solidifies Butcher’s determination to eliminate all superhumans, regardless of the personal cost, including his own life.

Black Noir II

After taking lives, the more chatty version of Black Noir has lost his previous hesitation and reluctance towards violence, developing a newfound enthusiasm for killing.

The Deep

In the depths of his character, insecurity and casual brutality have long been intertwined. This latest incident fails to break this pattern. He compels someone to show submission towards him, only to end their life afterwards, satisfying both his desires. Beneath it all, he recognizes that the mere suggestion of violence is the key to gaining any semblance of respect in his world. Despite having left his past behind, which reportedly included cephalopod bestiality, he remains a complex and reprehensible figure.

The Shapeshifter

Does the Deep’s wickedness possess as complex a structure as that of the chameleon assassin? Surprisingly, no. The Deep has deceived Hughie for quite some time, posing as Starlight and sharing an intimate relationship with him under false pretenses. But their deceit doesn’t end there. They have also manipulated his emotions to further their own ends. By mid-episode, Hughie is convinced he’s about to marry the woman of his dreams, only to discover the real Starlight has been imprisoned and is now filled with anger and confusion due to his unintentional infidelity. However, it doesn’t stop there. The Shapeshifter enjoys tormenting both Hughie and Starlight, taunting them about their deceit and using their memories and feelings against them. Their powers, which allow them access to their victims’ deepest emotions and thoughts, only add to their evilness. Furthermore, when their abilities begin to wane, their skin starts to decay, making for a disturbing sight. They are indeed difficult to surpass. Yet, despite all this, there is something more that makes them even more despicable.


In this episode of “The Boys,” Homelander displays less violence than normal, yet none of that matters as he remains the primary cause of the mayhem. Though Sage orchestrated the specifics, it’s Homelander’s immense power, the multitude of people unwilling to stand up to him, a media fixated on spectacle and propaganda, and an easily manipulated public that believe his deceitful words that are pushing the world towards totalitarianism.


Although Butcher ranks first in this season’s disgusting acts, his questionable morals have always left us uncertain. He’s been a hero, albeit an uneasy one, but Victoria’s attempted redemption was met with brutal violence from him. This unexpected act of cruelty might forever tarnish Butcher’s reputation. Regrettably, we had hoped for better behavior from him. The added horror of the tentacles growing from his body only intensifies our revulsion.

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2024-07-22 19:52