RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Recap: Well, That Stank!

I’ve been a devoted fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race since its inception. Every week, I eagerly tune in to witness the creativity, resilience, and raw talent of these queens as they sashay, shade, and slay their way through challenge after challenge. But this latest episode left me feeling more disappointed than ever before.

Instead of calling it “an episode” of RuPaul’s Drag Race, I would describe it as something disappointing and not representative of a true episode. The show has had filler in the past, such as challenges where no one went home or skippable clip shows. But this was different. It presented itself as an episode but failed to deliver on that promise, leaving me feeling cheated out of an hour of my time. To add insult to injury, it didn’t even provide any entertaining drag performances. In fact, there was a noticeable lack of drag in general.

In the opening of the episode, the queens participated in a game provided by the pink fluffy prop to generate additional funds for their charity. While it was amusing, the scene seemed unnecessary within the context of the show and served more as a delaying tactic, reaching the seven-minute mark. I wasn’t exactly bored, but I couldn’t claim to be fully engaged during this part.

An unexpectedly significant task followed, initially labeled as a minor assignment (a makeover for the production team in a hurry). This event unfolded 22 minutes into the program for those paying close attention. In Roxxxy’s previous season, this timeframe would have comfortably accommodated an introduction, a mini-challenge announcement, preparation for the main challenge, and filming of the main challenge. At the very least. My meaning: This segment seemed excessively lengthy.

In this episode, despite being the only disappointing part, we had to pay close attention to the mini-challenge. Mik’s bearded queen stood out with her exceptional makeup skills, while putting Shannel’s wig on a hairdresser seemed cruel. The Champion socks on Roxxxy’s male counterpart were comically amusing. Angeria’s guy had impressive bone structure that would shine in drag if given the chance. Plastique had an easy task, Nina’s daughter was delightful, and Vanjie could have found a more suitable outfit for her girl. Jorgeous’s son of Sasha Colby needed a proper makeover challenge. Although I didn’t care who won, the announcement that “everyone” won made me genuinely furious. If I had to choose, I’d go with Nina. Her daughter brought the most joy.

In the Talent Show announcement, the winning females receive three badges this time around. A disappointing turn of events last season and this one, as it diminishes the importance of the previous weeks’ challenges. Roxxxy’s performance became the sole determining factor, disregarding Plastique’s looks, Jorgeous’s strategies, or Angeria’s drama. This season lacks excitement due to production manipulation rather than natural talent progression. The time investment feels wasted. Worse still, the contestants were aware of this twist and chose to participate anyway. Their challenge efforts seem insignificant, making viewers question why they should care about the competition.

In simpler terms, the show alternates between rehearsals of unseen routines and bland lunches with RuPaul. These lunches seem insincere and fail to evoke emotions in me. The contestants could either abandon the scripted vulnerability and risk losing drama or turn it into a competition where they showcase why honesty is crucial. This setup just feels contrived. RuPaul, who usually shines, appears stiff and unengaged during these one-on-ones. While Plastique cries, Ru seems disinterested and lacks her usual charm and banter. It’s odd to see RuPaul, who is typically engaging, appear half-hearted in these moments.

In the climax of the episode, the girls have the power to double the badges of one contestant. Essentially, everyone should consider voting for Roxxxy since the consequence of not doing so could lead to a competitor getting ahead. Roxxxy is highly likely to secure a spot among the top three contestants, making her an ideal choice. Plastique and Nina both cast their votes for Roxxxy, although they may not acknowledge it as strategic moves. A humorous turn of events would be if Roxxxy ends up winning with Nina’s seemingly insignificant vote contributing to the outcome. Personally, I support #TeamRoxxxy – this is the only way the recent season I watched holds significance for me.

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2024-07-22 19:41