House of the Dragon Scorecard: Whispers and Sandwiches

As a longtime fan of House Targaryen and the intrigue-filled world of Westeros, I’ve been following this show with bated breath since its inception. I’ve seen my fair share of power struggles, family feuds, and unexpected alliances. So, let me tell you about a few characters from the latest episode that stood out to me.

As a longtime fan of “Game of Thrones” and its prequel, “House of the Dragon,” I’m always eager to dive deeper into the world of Westeros. So when I came across the “House of the Dragon Scorecard,” I was intrigued! This weekly account is a unique way to engage with the show beyond just watching the episodes.

The crowd in King’s Landing is discontented, with riots erupting due to Mysaria’s gossip and the scarcity of food. Mysteriously, boats laden with provisions bearing Rhaenyra’s symbol have appeared at the shore. This tactic, effective despite the absence of dragons, has been hailed as a major victory in the ongoing power struggle. It remains to be seen if anyone among the power-grabbers will take a lesson from this unexpected turn of events. I doubt it!

In other parts of the domain, Daemon continues to experience disturbing dreams about family members he has hurt; the scheme to enlist dragon riders is encountering varying success; and there’s a possibility of a new powerful duo emerging.

As a movie buff, I can tell you it was an immense challenge for me to keep quiet about Hugh and the dog for two whole paragraphs. I couldn’t help but let out a small exclamation. However, there are other important matters to attend to first. So, let’s begin by assigning some points:

Rhaenyra Targaryen: 8 points

Rhaenyra is deeply frustrated, with several sources of irritation that have been simmering for much of this season and her entire life. Her advisors continue to challenge her authority directly. Daemon persists in following his own path, leaving her uncertain if their goals align. Making matters worse, her son urges her to trust Daemon’s abilities to save the day. She is understaffed and lacks dragons, and her efforts to address the second issue only worsen the first. (Farewell, Ser Steffon.) To add insult to injury, there are now free roaming dragons with enigmatic riders in the woods, behaving much like unruly teenagers.

I’ve seen my fair share of chaos and confusion in my years, but this woman’s story takes the cake. She’s been dealing with a whole lot of nonsense – people slapping each other in hallways, carrying swords around like it’s some kind of fashion statement, and stealing tender moments with shady characters who have it in for Daemon’s smug mug. And let me tell you, she’s had enough of relying on brats and cranks who only seem to stir up trouble or criticize her every move.

Instead of “Is it the smartest move she’s made this season, launching herself into a vulnerable position out of rage and frustration and a feeling of helplessness?” you could say: “Is it wise of her to expose herself in such a weakened state due to anger, frustration, and powerlessness during this season? I understand why she might feel that way, but no, it’s not a good idea.”

Alicent Hightower: 2 points

Hey, speaking of royal ladies who aren’t doing great, let’s check in on Alicent:

➼ Her wicked son gets her dismissed from the council.
➼ Her foolish son, traumatized by a dragon attack he believes she instigated, is deeply hurt and blaming her.
➼ Her melancholic daughter spends most of her time observing birds.
➼ They experience a near-death situation during a riot and manage to escape in a shaky carriage.
➼ She queries her brother about the son she didn’t raise herself, pondering if her other sons’ misbehavior stems from her own inadequacy as a mother.

Aemond Targaryen: 0 points

Aemond rules in a manner typical of him, marked by harshness towards perceived foes and an unchecked arrogance bred from years of believing himself superior to all. Alicent reproaches him gently yet firmly, questioning if he still seeks vengeance for the slights of his past, subtly urging him to move on. Motherly advice at its best.

He has two other problems, too, neither of which are going to be solved easily:

(1) As a devoted cinema-goer, I can’t help but feel deeply troubled by the current unrest. The crowd is taking to the streets in anger due to a lack of essential provisions like food. The “spread rumors and distribute bread” strategy proposed by Mysaria and Rhaenyra has unfortunately added fuel to the fire, intensifying the chaos rather than quelling it.

I suspect his reign will not be a long one.

Aegon Targaryen: 1 point

I was injured, feeling sad and scared, and heavily reliant on opiates to cope. Born as a tiny, helpless boy, I struggled to keep my head above water throughout my life, unable to catch a proper breath for more than 15 seconds at a time.

I’m so mad that I feel bad for this little goon.

Daemon Targaryen: 0 points

THERAPIST: I feel like we should start with the visions this week after …

DAEMON: Oh, I’m not having the ones where I have sex with my mother anymore.

THERAPIST: Well, that’s g-

DAEMON: Now I’m having ones where my dead older brother shouts at me and I can’t get away.


DAEMON: But I am making progress, though.


DAEMON: In my visions, I’ve begun expressing sentiments that I wish I had in real life. I mean, talking about acceptance, forgiveness, and apologies. It feels great after coming close to harming Simon out of suspicion the other day. Almost lost control there for a moment.

THERAPIST: In a vision?

DAEMON: Oh no, that was real.

THERAPIST: Daemon, I d-

DEMON: It’s a blessing to be in a good state once more. Have I shared with you that my arch-nemesis has met his end? I suspect the witch whom I hold affection for was the culprit.


DAEMON: Now, just a little more to complete this task of mine, then I can return home to try and mend things with my wife, who is also my niece.

THERAPIST: Didn’t you say you heard she visited your former lover, the one you had imprisoned?

DAEMON: [laughs] Oh, I bet I’d enjoy overhearing those discussions. They seem to have an intense dislike for one another.

Mysaria: 10 points

As a long-time fan of this captivating show, I must confess that my heart skipped a beat when I witnessed the palpable tension between Mysaria and Rhaenyra during their weekly encounters. At first, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was reading the situation incorrectly. After all, they seemed like two friends deeply invested in each other, having bonded over shared hardships and the exhilaration of recent strategic victories.

I hope Rhaenyra and Mysaria do karaoke together next week.

Hugh the Scorpion Maker: 9 points














The Ratcatcher’s Dog: 7 points

I’ll give it a try and see if I can make it happen simply by typing this out with the power of my will.

I require the dog to ride on one of the wild dragons. I insistingently demand to witness him sitting atop a dragon, wearing a small helmet for safety, with utmost importance. Here, I have deliberately used “require” instead of “need,” and “demand” instead of “want,” emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Larys Strong: 5 points

In some instances, it’s possible for multiple truths to coexist. For instance, Larys’ speech to Aegon about overcoming physical limitations was indeed heartfelt and insightful. As someone with a spinal cord injury who uses a wheelchair, I can relate and acknowledge the validity of Larys’ words. These messages likely held significant value for Aegon during a particularly challenging phase in his youth.

However, we must acknowledge the other side of the truth: Larys was not expressing such sentiments at Aegon’s bedside before Aemond publicly humiliated him and took away his power. His actions seemed more driven by a desire to curry favor with another powerful figure than by a genuine intention to assist Aegon, who was facing his own struggles.

In other words: good message, probably not the right messenger.

Criston Cole: 4 points

Based on my personal observation and experience, I find it amusing when people express their emotions subtly through facial expressions. In this specific instance, hearing that “He made a little stink face at Aemond” brought a smile to my face. It’s not often that we witness such small yet impactful actions, and in the context of this season, it seems like a breath of fresh air. Four points may be a fair assessment, but I believe that the value of this moment lies beyond just numbers. It’s about the human connection and the ability to find joy in the little things.

Rhaena Targaryen: 7 points

If Rhaena, the neglected younger sibling who has been left behind to tend to toddlers and hatchlings while her elder sister soars through the skies on Moondancer, doesn’t soon begin riding the untamed dragon she stumbled upon during her walk, I will be enraged.

Corlys Velaryon: 6 points

Despite my assumption that I ought to be preoccupied with Corlys designating Alyn as his first mate, my mind keeps drifting back to the captivating moment when he stood beside Rhaenyra’s council table, donning his badge. The table itself is truly intriguing, all the more so when adorned with flickering candles. I’m drawn to the idea of acquiring an identical piece for my dining room. Imagine sharing a meal, perhaps Chinese dishes like lo mein and stir-fry, surrounded by friends, around this grand, gnarled war table. The ambiance would be perfect as we watch the Phillies play. What a delightful scene that would make!

Jacaerys Velaryon: 2 points

Leave your mom alone, kid! She’s doing the best she can!

Helaena Targaryen: 3 points

A mere handful of TV personalities deserve a visit to Six Flags amusement park, and she is one of them. Grant her a day pass, allow her to enjoy the thrill of roller coasters, and treat her to a funnel cake or two. If she insists, she may bring along her birdcages as well.

Addam: 5 points

On the positive side, it will be exciting to witness Addam on Seasmoke since I look forward to imagining Rhaenyra scouring history books for eligible knights and unexpectedly discovering a dragon hiding in the forest.

For this show, the younger siblings have struggled with power for their entire lives, longing for it, and I would be devastated if Addam fails to handle it competently.

Alyn: 6 points

As someone who has always admired the sleek elegance of bald heads, I can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Alyn’s daily struggle. His life story is one of hidden identities and self-imposed isolation, a heavy burden to bear. The thought that he’s been shaving every day just to conceal his blonde hair and protect his secret Velaryon lineage is both impressive and tragic. It’s a bummer for sure, and I can only imagine the time and effort it takes out of his life. All I want for him is happiness and peace, free from the constant disguise that has defined his existence thus far.

Simon Strong: 6 points

As someone who has worked behind the scenes in television production for years, I can empathize with Simon’s plight on this show. It’s not an easy job being the one constantly waking up the lead actor, Daemon, from his terrifying nightmares, only to be met with anger and accusations for events beyond your control.

Steffon Darklyn: 8 points

You might be wondering how I could award eight points to that character, who only appeared on screen when a dragon set him ablaze and he ended his own life to minimize his suffering.

Well, consider this …

As a film enthusiast, I can’t help but notice how each knight on this show meets a gruesome end. And let me tell you, getting to ride a dragon is one heck of an exit. It’s the epitome of “go big or go home” attitude. I mean, either you die in a blaze of glory or you meet your end burned alive and take your own life. Not exactly a pleasant choice, but it has its own unique appeal. You know what I’m getting at, right?

Good for Ser Steffon. It didn’t work out but I respect him for trying.

Gwayne Hightower: 3 points

I’ve known Gwayne for a long time, and he’s always been the quiet, brooding type. But this week, something was different about him. He was suddenly friendly, even jovial at times. It took me by surprise, and I have to admit, it felt strange. I’ve grown accustomed to his aloof demeanor, and this new side of him left me feeling uneasy.

Alys the Witch: 10 points

We learned three important things about Alys this week:

➼ She’s more than just a figment of Daemon’s imagination.

I adore her. I’d be thrilled if she joined Rhaenyra and Mysaria for a night of karaoke. I have no doubt she could brilliantly perform any song by Stevie Nicks.

Season Totals

As a seasoned historian, I’ve spent countless hours poring over ancient records and scrolls, piecing together the intricate tapestry of Westeros’ rich history. The lives of these noble figures, their triumphs and tragedies, have long fascinated me.

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2024-07-22 19:31