Below Deck Mediterranean Recap: Family Feud

As a seasoned yacht stewardess with years of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of crew dynamics that can be as complex and intricate as a Moby Dick novel. And let me tell you, this latest charter onboard the Sovereign has been no exception.

I’m certain that another Trolls film will be released, regardless of Justin Timberlake’s DUI arrest. However, if there’s something else I’m absolutely sure of, it’s that Gael should end things with her unresponsive boyfriend. He persistently complains about not getting enough attention from her since she’s busy on charter, while he spends his days at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Fort Lauderdale using their free WiFi. The nature of his activities is uncertain, but he keeps insisting that she isn’t giving him sufficient time. She merely responds with an apologetic “Sorry you feel that way.”

Simultaneously, she continues to be playful with Nathan, who suffers from the uncommon condition called Noassatall. Regrettably, there’s no known cure for this affliction, though most gay doctors would suggest living in a tall apartment building if he desires any improvement. We did spot him in wet boxer briefs, but unfortunately, there was no sign of a backside. In contrast, Iain, donning his South African flag Speedo, does not fail to impress. Though small, it’s an appealing derriere. Wow, Iain is quite the catch. He may be cheesy and inept at his role, but any man brave enough to wear a minuscule swimsuit on live television catches my attention.

As a cinema devotee, I’ve noticed how Gael and Nathan have been playing coy with each other throughout our charter journey. And honestly, I can’t help but feel that Gael is straying from her commitment. Yet, instead of owning up to it, she continues to send texts to her boyfriend that only fuel the flames of suspicion. But wouldn’t it be better if she just came clean and told him something like, “I’m sorry, but this isn’t working out for me anymore. I feel drawn towards an Irish man with intriguing tattoos, and I need to explore this connection.” After all, honesty is the best policy, even in the most uncomfortable situations.

Regarding hookups, after returning from the bar, Ellie shares with Aesha and Bri that Joe, referred to as our Scouse mouse, caused some excitement down below for her during the car ride home. When everyone else heads towards the hot tub, Ellie expresses her reluctance, stating she’s not ready to give in to Joe so easily; he won’t be pursuing a courtship before making a move. However, I have my doubts about Joe’s intentions. Instead of wining and dining Ellie, it seems more likely that he would offer her a drink and then request a non-reciprocal oral act – an approach that Aesha also deems ineffective.

As a seasoned observer of human behavior, I’ve seen my fair share of competitive women vying for the same man’s affections. And let me tell you, this situation with Ellie and Bri is a classic example of two females going head to head in a bid to win over the same guy.

After their hook-up, Ellie and Bri found themselves on a path towards treating each other poorly. Following the encounter, Bri inquired if everything was alright between them, to which Ellie responded, “Not exactly.” Ellie clarified that she had trained Bri for her job, and knew Bri was interested in Joe, making their actions a breach of girl code. While Ellie may have deserved better, she had neglected her own interests by prioritizing Joe’s company instead of focusing on self-care and waiting for him to ask her out. However, if Ellie wanted to follow traditional courtship rituals, she should hold firm in her expectations. Yet, she also needed to acknowledge that in this scenario, the first person to make a move would likely secure Joe’s affections. Essentially, it appeared to be a game of “first come, first served.” Although this system might benefit some, Ellie was left feeling discontented.

When Aesha, an otherworldly being sent from heaven, finds herself in need of medical attention at a Greek hospital to remove a shard of glass from her thumb, things take an unexpected turn. Despite being an eccentric character (a compliment), she looks forward to the prospect of getting stitches and manages to persuade the hospital staff to keep the glass they extracted for her to display proudly. Isn’t Aesha just peculiar? Long may her uniqueness endure.

When Ellie disembarks, she assumes the role of second stew, making her in charge. During the unloading process, the deck team queries Bri about the placement of certain items. Since Bri is knowledgeable about the boat’s interior, she directs them accordingly. Ellie feels slighted when Bri takes charge and voices her concern, even though she is slightly senior and they are all working together. If Bri knows where an item belongs, let her indicate its location. When Ellie interferes, Bri becomes reluctant to speak up, causing confusion and potential chaos. However, it’s essential to note that Ellie’s feelings were hurt because she didn’t get priority in expressing her desire for Joe, not due to any power struggle between the two women.

After that, Ellie informs Bri of her role being to assist Ellie. Although this may not be entirely accurate, please proceed, your highness. However, when Ellie attempts to give orders, Bri defies her and instead obeys instructions from Aesha, who had given orders prior to her hospital visit. The underlying tension between these two women is quite palpable.

Bri is feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the situation, and she’s decided to express her frustration in a subtle yet spicy way. When Captain Sandy asks what she means, Bri explains that she will keep her anger hidden but continue to perform her duties as a professional crew member. She also mentions that she wants to discuss the matter with Aesha, her team manager, and Captain Sandy acknowledges her need for privacy in this matter. This marks an unusual moment of restraint from Captain Sandy regarding her usual tendency to closely supervise her crew.

Aesha finds it difficult to focus on the issue at hand since she’s currently managing a boat filled with new guests. Among them are Brittany Brower, who finished fourth in the fourth cycle of “America’s Next Top Model” and holds the record for most OSHA shutdowns of any reality show, and Trishelle Canatella, the current champion of “The Traitors.” Although these two aren’t extremely famous reality stars (yet), they request the staff to avoid showing excessive excitement around them. frankly, I barely recall Brittany from all the drama on “America’s Next Top Model,” let alone remember her name.

As a movie lover and someone who values the dignity of hardworking crew members, I refuse to be part of a fashion show request. Dress-up themes and picnics are already questionable for me, but asking staff to perform like trained animals is a step too far. Let’s not turn our workplace into a circus; no one should be forced to participate in talent shows or wear costumes. Their jobs are demanding enough as it is. Instead of wasting time on scavenger hunts and silly games, let’s focus on what truly matters. But unfortunately, some guests seem intent on disrupting the normal flow of things.

As a seasoned relationship counselor with years of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of roommate disputes and misunderstandings between friends. From what I gather from this situation, it seems that Bri and Ellie have some unresolved issues that need to be addressed before things can go back to normal.

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2024-07-22 18:36