The Real Housewives of Dubai Recap: With Friends Like These

As a fellow East African woman with family rooted in the Swahili coast, I can deeply relate to Ayan’s spirit and resilience. Her ability to live authentically and openly despite the hardships she has faced is truly inspiring. The way she chats with her sister in Swahili about their dreams and plans for the future brings a sense of comfort and familiarity that resonates deeply within me.

The Eileen Davidson agreement has ended, perfectly timed as we reach the heart of the season. Taleen effortlessly fits into the group and brings fresh energy. Her readiness to join in the chaos, involve her family, and confess the absurdities of living a luxurious life in Dubai without remorse or sarcasm makes her an excellent newcomer. She isn’t shy about showcasing her husband who spends more time at work and golf than with her, nor her questionable parenting choices that allow her daughter to miss school for trivial reasons. Taleen embodies the cliche of a delusional housewife, but she plays a risky game. It appears that she and Caroline Brooks arrived with a strategy, yet she has chosen to deviate from it. This move showcases her independence and openness to new relationships, but also makes her untrustworthy. She abandoned her primary connection on the show for the sake of socializing with a preferred crowd, and if she finds herself in another dispute, she will find that she lacks genuine allies after betraying her first friend in Dubai.

As someone who has spent years navigating complex professional relationships, I can appreciate Taleen’s bold move to call out her friend Brooks for misrepresenting their conversations with Stanbury. In my experience, allowing competing narratives to persist only leads to confusion and mistrust within a team. Taleen’s decision to put an end to this game of telephone in front of colleagues may have been embarrassing for Brooks, but it was necessary for the truth to come out.

Currently, Taleen can utilize her strained relationship with Brooks to foster a connection with Stanbury. According to Taleen herself, Stanbury had no intention of forming a bond until Brooks deliberately created tension between them. So far, they appear to be getting along well. Nevertheless, I must bring up my confusion regarding an incident where Stanbury inebriatedly collapsed onto Taleen’s husband’s bed at 5 a.m., jokingly or not. Additionally, the nickname “Margot Robbie” used by Taleen’s husband towards Stanbury serves as a warning sign. While their budding friendship is acceptable on its own merit, the bond formed due to mutual disdain is likely to dissolve once either of them reconciles with Brooks. Based on my prediction, Taleen may find herself excluded from that situation.

Brooks might have been taken aback by the argument, but she doesn’t back down easily. She manages to turn the situation around first by asking Sara to intervene, then by bringing up Lesa’s problems to redirect the attention away from herself. The sudden bond between Brooks and Sara infuriates Stanbury, who sees their new friendship as insincere, much like some of Ayan’s wigs. While I can see why Stanbury is skeptical, her reaction seems disproportionate to the situation. As Lesa rightly notes, Sara has always spoken this way – in Instagram captions. Stanbury was fine with it when Sara defended her marriage using similar language. However, now that Brooks is receiving the same support, Stanbury can’t take it anymore and demands Sara to speak as a real person.

If I were to offer understanding towards Stanbury’s situation, I would acknowledge that she has faced significant stress in her personal life. Her romantic relationship with Sergio started during the COVID-19 pandemic when people formed close bonds quickly. Understandably, Stanbury sought comfort and companionship amidst the challenges of the pandemic, but introducing a new partner so soon after her ex-husband’s departure was a drastic change for her as a mother of three. Moreover, she introduced this new man to her children, which proved to be a difficult situation. Unfortunately, Stanbury’s husband is now unemployed and overly dependent on her, with no outside interests or friends. The romantic allure of their relationship may have been appealing during their initial encounters, but the realities of daily life have brought complications. As Terry McMillan’s novel “Stella Got Her Groove Back” illustrates, the fantasy can fade once back at home.

Everyone else seems to understand the complexity of the situation, yet Sergio remains oblivious. His mother, who shares a similar age with Caroline, expresses her concern that a baby may not be possible for Caroline at this stage in her life. Sergio responds by ignoring her words. His family and wife suggest that he should focus on making friends or finding employment to keep him engaged and occupied, instead of constantly monitoring Caroline’s movements. However, Sergio refuses to listen to their advice. Additionally, his strained relationship with his stepchildren is an issue that I don’t think will be resolved anytime soon.

As I watched Stanbury’s latest production unfold on the big screen of my mind, I couldn’t help but notice the eldest daughter, Yasmine, showing signs of a familiar syndrome. It was that classic eldest-daughter role, spiced up with a dose of typical teenage defiance.

Yasmine finds it hard to accept that her mother’s self-centered actions often negatively impact her. Although Yasmine demonstrates great awareness, she’s just a teenager, so she reacts impulsively, like engaging in arguments with the new man living with them. Such behavior is common for someone in her situation. However, instead of maturingly addressing the underlying tension, Sergio and Yasmine engage in petty squabbles, leaving Caroline to step in and potentially appear biased. This vicious cycle paints a grim picture for their marriage’s future. Both parties contribute to the conflict, and all Yasmine desires is to be listened to and validated.

In simpler terms, this TV show provides a revealing perspective on the challenging side of maintaining a glamorous lifestyle through the experiences of its young characters. Brooks tirelessly works at her salon and boutique to give her son a comfortable life, contrasting with children who are given luxury items from their wealthy families. Despite her efforts, she faces financial hardships as her ex-husband contributes little to her parenting expenses. Her determination is admirable, but her son may not fully grasp the sacrifices she makes. Raised in a large family with fewer resources, Brooks now strives to offer her son a different lifestyle, but the effort required for these extras remains unrecognized by him as he feels his mother is often absent. Despite the challenges, Brooks manages to throw a beautiful birthday party that her son enjoys.

Lesa finds herself in a self-created dilemma. While she’s fortunate to have a supporting partner for her family, she worries that her imagined world could vanish at any moment. This fear stems from her past experience of abandonment by her father. It’s a normal reaction, but it leaves Lesa exhausted and unhappy.

Ayan’s resilient spirit shines through, as she openly shares her struggles and brings joy with her cheery disposition. Her familiar Swahili chatter with her sister during the launch of her beauty company, as a fellow East African woman, brought me comfort. Despite being the least affluent cast member, Ayan has created a rich life for herself by embracing self-love after years of feeling devalued. Her raw vulnerability in discussing her past hardships – poverty, living under oppressive politics, and healing from FGM – makes her an inspiring beacon among the cast. However, we can’t help but anticipate the inevitable conflict between Ayan and Lesa, which lies just beyond the horizon. I sincerely hope they can find a way to heal and move forward beyond the reality TV drama.

Golden Nuggets

I absolutely adore Stanbury’s latest red confessional look. With her years of experience in fashion and styling, she continues to outdo herself. Her team nailed the classic glamour aesthetic, and every detail exudes sophistication and style. It’s always a delight to see their hard work pay off on the runway.

Sara fiercely defended Brooks against Stanbury’s criticism, assuring him that she had placed her hand over her heart instead of making an inappropriate gesture. This unexpected response left me surprised and amused, as I pondered whether Sara was intentionally exaggerating her actions for comedic effect or not. Regardless, I found myself captivated by the exchange.

As someone who has been deeply immersed in Islamic dating practices for a significant portion of my life, I must confess that Sara’s current situation with Akin is starting to feel like an intricately crafted scheme to me. The way things are unfolding between them seems to defy logic and reason outside of the rigid framework of “Muslim girl rules 101.”

I’m eagerly supporting my young monarch Maki in achieving his goal of becoming a skilled twerker. I may not be able to fathom what a twerking record-breaking feat would entail, but I have faith in his abilities!

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2024-07-22 18:15