Last Epoch: Swiftness Vs Evade – What’s the Better Buff?

As a dedicated Last Epoch player with countless hours under my belt, I’ve seen the ongoing debate about Swiftness and Evade bonuses in our community. Having experimented with various builds, I firmly believe that Swiftness can outweigh Evade in certain situations.

Players of Last Epoch find themselves in a dilemma: should they prioritize quickness over evasion, given the availability of new equipment that provides a significant speed increase of up to 20%? In a fast-paced game like this, some players question why these items aren’t more widely used.

Swiftness Vs Evade
byu/LoneyGamer2023 inLastEpoch


  • Swiftness or Evade? Players consider the trade-offs between speed and defensive stats.
  • Speed is King: In an action-packed game like Last Epoch, mobility often trumps all.
  • Melee Benefits: Swiftness proves valuable for melee builds, enhancing maneuverability in combat.

LisaLoebSlaps – “Pressing Evade While… Crab”

LisaLoebSlaps humorously points out the struggle of adapting to new playstyles.

Anogrg_ – “Dodge Roll Value in Combats”

Anogrg_ praises the dodge roll’s utility in dealing with enemies efficiently.

brT_T – “Swiftness on Melee Builds”

Swiftness is highly praised by melee characters in BrT_T, as it significantly enhances their performance in battles due to its importance in quick engagements.

Super_Aggro_Crag – “Crab Ring Popularity”

Super_Aggro_Crag highlights the appeal of the crab ring and its widespread usage among players.

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2024-07-22 11:29