The Destiny 2 Dilemma: Keep Your Loot or Start Fresh?

As a long-time Destiny 2 player with countless hours spent grinding for legendary gear and perfecting my Guardian, I’ve grown attached to my collection. The idea of starting over in Destiny 3 is daunting, but the prospect of new content and challenges has me intrigued.

In the Destiny 2 community, there’s ongoing disagreement among players over whether they prefer to start fresh in a potential new game (D3), while keeping their current loot, or sticking with Destiny 2. This topic has sparked intense discussions on the subreddit, with various opinions being shared.

If you want a D3 only if you can keep your loot, you basically want a glorified dlc.
byu/Alexander0202 indestiny2


  • Players are split on wanting Destiny 3 to preserve their loot or start afresh.
  • Some argue for a complete reset to invigorate the game, while others fear losing their hard-earned gear.
  • The discussion also touches on microtransactions and business practices within the game.

Keep Your Loot vs. Fresh Start

As a passionate fan of gaming, I can understand why some players, including LazyBoyXD, feel that a fresh start is crucial to draw in new players and keep live service games from becoming ticking time bombs. They strongly advocate for a complete reboot to maintain the game’s excitement and dynamism. Conversely, players like PineMaple are looking forward to the opportunity of starting anew and reigniting the joy of collecting gear that comes with it.

Microtransactions Concerns

Cloud_N0ne expresses worry that Eververse might result in the loss of previously bought items during game updates, sharing a common fear among players regarding the potential risks of investing in microtransactions.

The Business of Gaming

Slashofmedicine expresses disagreement with the notion of selling previously released content at a new price without significant improvements. His perspective underscores the desire among players for substantial updates when anticipating a potential Destiny 3 debut.

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2024-07-22 06:43