Clash Royale: Why Princess Tower Should Stay as the Best Tower Troop

As a dedicated Clash Royale player with years of experience under my belt, I wholeheartedly stand behind Princess Tower as the best tower troop in the game. The Princess has been the cornerstone of the balance since its release, providing versatility and adaptability that no other tower can match.

In the realm of Clash Royale, I’m constantly drawn into heated discussions about the uncontested king among tower troops. Redditor AreuxEmpire passionately argues that the Princess Tower should remain on its throne. Do I agree? Let’s delve into their perspective and see if it holds water or if it’s time for a new monarch.

Why princess tower should stay as the best tower troop
byu/AreuxEmpire inClashRoyale


  • Princess Tower has been the backbone of Clash Royale’s balance since release.
  • Introducing new tower troops has shifted the meta away from card diversity.
  • Users advocate for maintaining Princess Tower’s versatility over specialized alternatives.

User Perspectives

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve noticed something intriguing about tower troops on Reddit, and that’s thanks to user phucsle. While they acknowledge the potential of these troops, they also bring up valid concerns regarding their practical application in the game. To make things more interesting and diverse, they propose an innovative solution: every new tower should be modeled after the cannoneer. By doing so, we’ll encourage players to experiment with various deck compositions and strategies, ultimately enhancing the overall gaming experience.

I’ve noticed that, as a gamer, the Princess Tower in this game has had a significant impact on its balance throughout its history. The addition of a new character like Dagger Duchess, however, threw off the meta and left us with only a few viable ways to win, making the game feel unbalanced.

Dynamic_DiscoDevil presents an alternate perspective, bringing up the past prominence of Canoneer and Princess Towers in meta games prior to the arrival of more recent choices. According to them, the present troop lineups fall short in comparison.

Grubble offers a fresh viewpoint, voicing dissatisfaction with the prevalent Princess playstyle due to frequently encountered archetypes. However, they recognize and respect the community’s continued attachment to these established deck themes.

Infinite_Complaint21 suggests an original approach to selecting troop towers for both sides in Clash Royale, adding complexity and thoughtfulness to the tactical clashes.

As an avid fan of Clash Royale, I strongly disagree with WernerHerzog’s take on tower troops. In my opinion, they add depth and strategy to the game rather than being the worst addition.

GothicRuler stands by Cannoneer as their preferred choice among the tower troops.

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2024-07-22 04:45