Gaming News: Why Parents Don’t Watch Kids Play Video Games

As a long-time gamer and parent myself, I find this topic intriguing. Having spent countless hours immersed in virtual worlds, I’ve experienced the joy and excitement that comes with mastering a new game or level. Yet, I’ve also encountered the frustration of trying to explain my passion to family members who don’t share my enthusiasm.

Why Don’t Parents Often Watch Their Kids Play Video Games? A Fun Look into the Perspective of Gamers on Reddit

How do parents watch their kids play games all day everyday and never show any interest?
byu/epicflex ingaming


  • Watching kids play games can be boring due to lack of interest in gaming.
  • Parents may not understand the appeal of watching gameplay without playing themselves.
  • Building common ground through other activities might bridge the gap between parents and kids.

Insights from Gamers

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve noticed that there’s often a disconnect between my gaming world and the real world of my parents. They seem bored when they watch me play, expressing that they just don’t find it interesting. It’s not their fault, really – gaming is an entirely different experience for us, one that requires a unique level of engagement and understanding.

Parental Involvement

Another user expressed that he didn’t enjoy watching his son play video games, finding it challenging to appreciate the activity if he wasn’t an active participant himself. Similar feelings were expressed by others who weren’t drawn into their children’s chosen gaming experiences.

Seeking Common Ground

From another point of view, even if parents don’t enjoy the same pastime as their kids when it comes to gaming, discovering shared interests outside of video games can strengthen their bond.

As an avid follower of the discussion, I was struck by the wide range of perspectives on family gaming and the significance of accommodating various preferences among loved ones.

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2024-07-22 03:43