The Ultimate Debate: Call of Duty Ghosts – A Gamer’s Review

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen and played it all – from the early days of pixelated graphics to the current generation of hyper-realistic games. Call of Duty: Ghosts holds a unique place in my heart because it was the game that introduced me to the tactical multiplayer experience that has become a staple of the series.

As a huge fan of Call of Duty: Ghosts, I can’t help but notice the heated debates amongst the gaming community about this title. Opinions on its gameplay, story, and other aspects are all over the map. To get a better understanding of what people are saying, let’s explore some of the most engaging discussions on Reddit!

What is your opinion on ghosts and if you played campaign what was your favorite mission? [GHOSTS]
byu/Working-Bed720 inCallOfDuty


  • Players have mixed feelings about Ghosts, with some nostalgic attachment and others critical of its campaign.
  • Favorite missions range from stealth-inducing ones to multiplayer highlights such as playing as a dog.
  • The Extinction mode receives praise for its engaging gameplay.

Opinions Galore

I enjoyed playing Ghost Killer, looking forward to a follow-up, unfortunately none ever materialized. Yet, it was my initial experience with Call of Duty: Ghosts.

As a die-hard Call of Duty fan, I’d have to say that my top picks for missions are Federal Day, Hunted, and the one that lets us sneak into the factory.

Ghosts’ Legacy

When this game first arrived, I gave it a try but wasn’t particularly impressed. The campaign struck me as uninteresting and seemed hurriedly put together, lacking the depth of earlier editions.

I really enjoyed both the multiplayer mode and the campaign. It’s not been that long since my last play session, but the mission in which you control the dog stood out to me as exceptional.

Love It or Hate It

“Garbage campaign, terrible characters. Hope it never gets a sequel.”

As someone who grew up playing Call of Duty games, I can attest to the emotional rollercoaster that is the community’s relationship with Ghosts. Looking back, I recall the excitement I felt when I first played it – the stunning graphics, the thrilling campaign, and the satisfying multiplayer experience.

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2024-07-21 02:28