Gaming News: Unbearable Video Game OSTs – What Makes Players Cringe

As a dedicated gamer with countless hours spent exploring various virtual worlds and immersing myself in unique gaming experiences, I can confidently share my own opinions on some of the most unbearable video game soundtracks that have graced our screens.

Have you encountered a video game soundtrack that sends shivers up your spine in an unpleasant way? A while ago, Reddit users revealed their top picks for the most agonizingly unappealing scores in gaming. Ranging from Resident Evil to Dragon Quest, this list is brimming with tunes that players find intolerable. Let’s explore these sonic displeasures together!

What OST is unbearable?
byu/Who_is_my_neighbor ingaming


  • Resident Evil Director’s Cut OST and Hong Kong 97 deemed as unbearable.
  • Contrasting opinions on Cruelty Squad’s soundtrack.
  • Personal reactions to Delfino Plaza theme from Mario Sunshine.

Resident Evil Director’s Cut OST

Several Reddit users commented on the intolerable quality of the Resident Evil Director’s Cut soundtrack’s OST. The fascinating backstory of how it was produced only heightened the mystery surrounding it.

Hong Kong 97 and Cruelty Squad

Some Reddit users found the soundtracks for Hong Kong 97 and Cruelty Squad particularly challenging to listen to. Opinions regarding the latter were split, with certain users praising it as a brilliant work of art while others deemed it a complete failure.

Personal Reactions to Mario Sunshine

A user once described an unusual feeling they had when listening to the Delfino Plaza theme from Super Mario Sunshine. They mentioned that this melody caused a slight sensation of queasiness in them. This account underscores the powerful ability of music to elicit bodily reactions in gamers.

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2024-07-20 19:15