Smite 2 – Alpha Weekend 4: Feedback, Bugs, and Community Sentiment

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in the MOBA realm, I’ve been eagerly anticipating the release of Smite 2. However, my excitement was met with a mixed bag of experiences during Alpha Weekend 4.

Delve into the comments section of Smite 2 Alpha Weekend 4. Enthusiasts are expressing their experiences, ranging from technical glitches like frame rate problems to divine adjustments concerning the Gods.

Smite 2 – Alpha Weekend 4 Feedback and Bug Report Megathread
byu/EmBrAcE-DeAtH inSmite


  • Smite 2 feedback ranges from performance concerns to desire for meaningful God changes.
  • Players express frustration over frame rate drops and technical issues impacting gameplay.
  • Community members hope for more engaging and unique kits for Gods in the new game.
  • Optimization, visuals, and gameplay experience are hot topics for discussion.
  • Performance Woes

    Some players, including Rhyano_Brownie, are experiencing significant decreases in frames per second (FPS), which is perplexing since they were previously enjoying smooth gameplay.

    An alternate expression could be: Mohc989 reports an enhanced controller feeling, suggesting a variety of optimization adjustments for diverse configurations.

    Godly Concerns

    Many players, including Lobotomite, feel disappointed that there aren’t enough new features in the God kits between Smite 1 and 2, making the release of the new game less thrilling.

    E_boiii proposes considering an update to the roster of God abilities with more captivating options, longing for a change from the traditional feel.

    Technical Troubles

    Markskillz and other players often face annoying glitches, such as being unable to exit the report player screen, emphasizing the importance of enhancing the gameplay flow for a more enjoyable experience.

    The AtheistCell explores the intricacies of the game’s mechanics in greater depth, highlighting issues with individual items, powers, and the game’s tempo that can impact a player’s experience and satisfaction.

    Community Wishes

    ShibaLoveThrowAway is thrilled about the new Arena mode, providing a refreshing change from long-lasting Conquest battles, aligning with the community’s request for varied gaming experiences.

    The Anti-Hero’s comments on sound effects and game mechanics highlight how crucial it is to perfect the fundamental aspects of a game for a more captivating player interaction.

    Some data-related problems are obstructing access to particular comments on the Reddit discussion, which could mean valuable feedback with potential for improvement is absent from this examination.

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2024-07-19 20:43