Why Losing Ranked Points in Valorant is Insulting: A Community Debate

As a dedicated Valorant player with countless hours invested in mastering the game and climbing the ranked ladder, I can’t help but feel disheartened by the current system that punishes us for factors beyond our control. I’ve experienced numerous team disconnects and AFK situations that cost me valuable ranked points, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. It feels unfair and demotivating to be penalized when I’ve given it my all during the game and performed well, only to have my progress hindered by unforeseen circumstances.

In simpler terms, Valorant gamers are disappointed when they lose ranked points due to teammates disconnecting or being absent without notice (AFK). The fact that there’s no reimbursement for such occurrences has sparked strong reactions in the player base. This feeling is a combination of frustration and acceptance towards the game’s current setup.

The fact I can lose ranked points despite team DC and AFK is insulting
byu/mrtylertrans inVALORANT


  • Players feel unfairly penalized for factors beyond their control.
  • Suggestions range from auto-remaking matches to loss mitigation for affected players.
  • Concerns about abuse of any potential system changes are prevalent.

Insulting System Design

Valorant players often voice their annoyance when they lose ranked points due to team members disconnecting or going AFK (away from keyboard). They feel unfairly treated since these situations aren’t their fault. One player put it this way, “Your teammates leaving and being AFK doesn’t make you the culprit, but you still get penalized as if you did something wrong.” The perception of unfairness is clear in how players view the current system.

Potential Solutions

In the realm of community proposals, ideas range from implementing automatic match restarts when players disconnect unexpectedly, to introducing measures that cushion the blow for defeated players. However, a common concern is the possibility of manipulation with any new mechanism. For instance, one user cautions, “The issue arises when you lessen the consequences of leaving, as teams intentionally abandon matches in progress to take advantage.” Striking a balance between ensuring fairness and preventing misuse remains paramount.

Fear of Abuse

Players express concern that modifications to the ranking system, like ranked point adjustments or automated match remakes, may be misused by some players to manipulate the game for their own advantage. One user puts it this way, “ANY ALTERATIONS TO RANKED REWARDS OR CHANGES IN AUTO-REMAKING WILL BE MISUSED TO EITHER AVOID GAMES OR REDUCE THE PENALTY POINTS LOST.” This fear is a major reason why proposed changes to the existing system have met with resistance.

Community Resilience

Some players argue for maintaining the existing rules despite the frustrations, believing that any relaxation would be swiftly taken advantage of, resulting in a deterioration of the gaming experience. As one user put it, “almost every concession is exploited. Rest assured, if there’s a way to avoid a loss, players will find it and undermine the intended objective of unfortunate situations like these.” The tenacity of the community in dealing with challenges is truly impressive.

In the world of Valorant, there’s ongoing debate among players regarding how to tackle the problem of losing ranked points due to team disconnections and AFKs. Some argue that a more equitable solution is necessary, while others voice fears of potential misuse. For the developers, it’s all about striking that elusive balance between keeping players content and preventing abuse.

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2024-07-19 12:28