Gaming News: Resident Evil 7 Mobile Flop – A Killer Misstep or Mobile Mayhem?

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience across various platforms, I can’t help but express my disappointment and surprise at the backlash surrounding Resident Evil 7‘s mobile adaptation. Having grown up playing horror games on high-performance consoles, the idea of experiencing the same level of immersion on a mobile device seems far-fetched to me.

Diving into the world of mobile gaming, the latest news has set the gaming community abuzz!


  • Resident Evil 7’s mobile adaptation faces backlash for its limited accessibility
  • Fans jest at the idea of playing a horror classic on mobile devices
  • The community questions the rationale behind such a niche mobile release

Not Just a Game

As someone who has been an avid gamer for over a decade, I have to admit that I was taken aback when I heard about Resident Evil 7 being released on mobile platforms. My initial reaction was one of skepticism, given my experience with trying to play more complex games on smaller screens.

Mobile Madness

In the comments section, there’s often a discussion about whether it’s possible to truly enjoy the “Resident Evil” game on a mobile device. User “DinnerSmall4216” expresses this doubt in a pithy way with a questioning statement that reflects the general skepticism. The majority of people seem to believe that the game loses some of its appeal when restricted by the constraints of mobile gaming.

Exclusivity Blues

The “only-on-iPhone” aspect greatly contributes to the disappointment felt by many users. Since the game is exclusively available on the newest iPhone models, concerns about accessibility arise for those who can’t afford or don’t have the required devices. KennyPowersforPope‘s comment underlines this problem, criticizing the decision to limit the game’s reach and potentially exclude a large number of potential players.

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2024-07-19 03:43