Destiny 2 Quest Design Rant: Is NES004 Research a Good Example?

As a dedicated Guardian with hundreds of hours invested in Destiny 2, I’ve experienced my fair share of intriguing and engaging questlines. However, none have left me as frustrated as NES004 Research. The repetitive nature of this particular questline feels like a step backwards for Bungie.

Have you ever felt disappointedly completed a mission in Destiny 2 named NES004 Research? If so, you’re not alone. Many players have shared their frustrations about this specific questline, igniting lively debates on Reddit.

NES004 Research Quest is a perfect example of bad quest design.
byu/Centurion832 inDestinyTheGame


  • Multiple repetitive steps irk players
  • Odd percentage goals confuse and frustrate
  • Repetitive tasks across different activities spark criticism

Guardians’ Frustrations

Many players have expressed frustration over the repetitive tasks in the NES004 Research Quest. Instead of keeping them engaged, the guardians are asked to repeat similar actions, which can result in boredom rather than excitement. As user SuperBanti noted, the unclear objectives with arbitrary percentage goals only add to the confusion. The lack of variety and creativity in tasks has left some players feeling tired and disinterested in the questline.

Mixed Rewards

Some players are pleased with the greater fame earned by donning seasonal armor, but HappyJaguar among others finds the meager reward insufficient for enduring the lengthy quest process. The contrasting player opinions underscore the individual nature of rewards’ impact on the overall quest evaluation.

Seasonal History Repeating

I’ve noticed myself and many other dedicated Guardians, like notthatguypal6900, expressing our disappointment with Bungie’s recurring design choices in their seasons. The sense of apathy towards quest design has dampened the excitement for us long-term players who crave new experiences and engaging challenges. The residual feel of past seasons is strongly present in NES004 Research, casting a pall of predictability and monotony over the gameplay.

Instead of “You didn’t like – go here on Nessus and collect 5 things – now go here on Nessus and collect 5 things – now go here on Nessas and collect 5 more things – go to helm and listen to a voice mail from Osiris – go back to Nessus,” you could try paraphrasing it as:

I can’t help but notice how blatantly obvious it is when they attempt to prolong certain situations. It’s as if they think we’re all being fooled, but the truth is crystal clear to me.

Best part is the first step actively encourages players to leave midway through a battleground.

In simpler terms, I can handle meaningless tasks when trying out new activities, but the one that involved playing Y1 lost sectors and public events left me feeling particularly unenthusiased, even close to rolling my eyes.

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2024-07-19 02:29