Gaming News: What Video Games Have Taught Gamers

As a passionate gamer, I’ve been fortunate enough to witness the transformative power of video games beyond mere entertainment. Games have become my teachers, offering me lessons that extended far beyond the screen.

Video games now go beyond being merely enjoyable; they provide players with exceptional chances to acquire knowledge and develop skills. Be it building a digital metropolis or perfecting a foreign tongue, the gaming realm abounds with worthwhile lessons to uncover.

Which game taught you something useful?
byu/AzazeleuseSecond ingaming


  • Games like Space Rangers 2 and Travian teach valuable skills beyond gameplay.
  • From language learning in RPGs to understanding orbits in space, games have diverse educational benefits.
  • Titles like Microsoft Flight Simulator and X-com offer insights into real-world scenarios and decision-making.
  • Unique lessons from games like Tetris, Valheim, and D&D showcase the broad spectrum of skills gaming can impart.

Space Rangers 2: Learning Beyond The Screen

I was thrilled to dive into Space Rangers 2, a game that offered more than the usual quests. Instead, it presented me with educational challenges, like solving quadratic equations. These tasks were unlike anything I had encountered in my school curriculum at the time. As AzazeleuseSecond, I can attest that this innovative approach not only made gaming fun but also helped me gain valuable practical skills ahead of my academic schedule.

Travian: From Virtual Wars to Real-World Skills

Uberhypnotoad gained valuable experience in managing people and planning events in the vast online community of Travian. This learning was facilitated through their involvement in alliances, which were headed by experts in law and engineering.

Language Mastery Through RPGs

According to ace23GB’s insight, games such as Final Fantasy and GTA have served as effective learning resources for non-native English speakers, demonstrating the potential of gaming as a dynamic educational tool.

Kerbal Space Program: A Lesson in Orbits

Mr. mrhippoj’s discovery about orbits and space travel using Kerbal Space Program demonstrates the capacity of simulation games to educate on intricate topics in an engaging and accessible manner.

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2024-07-19 02:13