Brawl Stars: Players Share Their Thoughts on Ranked Changes

As a dedicated Brawl Stars player with countless hours spent in the arena, I wholeheartedly agree that improving Ranked mode is a topic close to our hearts. The current system, while entertaining, can sometimes feel unfair due to mismatched skill levels among opponents.

In the realm of Brawl Stars, there’s a strong affection for engaging in Ranked matches among players. Yet, wouldn’t it be intriguing if they had the power to alter aspects of it?

If you had to change ONE singular thing about Ranked, what would it be
byu/Squidwarspla inBrawlstars


  • Players want better matchmaking to ensure fair opponents.
  • Suggestions include mandatory gadgets and star powers at higher ranks.
  • Some players desire bans or restrictions on certain brawlers.

Better Matchmaking

Several players expressed worries over engaging in contests against significantly disparate skill-level adversaries, resulting in unequal matchups.

Mandatory Gadgets and Star Powers

A suggestion from some gamers is to require the use of gadgets and star powers at specific skill levels, ensuring a more balanced gameplay experience for all.

Bans and Restrictions

Some gamers propose limiting the use of specific brawlers in Ranked matches to maintain fairness and resolve imbalance concerns.

Lively Discussions

There’s plenty of excitement in the Brawl Stars community as players share their suggestions for enhancing the Ranked mode, leading to lively conversations between gaming enthusiasts.

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2024-07-18 18:59